Tuesday, November 23, 2004

BND-Informant und Al-Qaida-Kontaktmann. - ZDF -

junge welt
BND-Skandal schlägt Wellen

ZDF legt neue Dokumente über Zusammenarbeit mit albanischen Terroristen vor. UCK-Führer Haradinaj wird Regierungschef im Kosovo
der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) im Zusammenhang mit den Pogromen im März im Kosovo schwer belastet
Samedin Xhezairi, ein Kommandeur der kosovoalbanischen Terrororganisation UCK, hat nicht nur mit Wissen der Pullacher Behörde die flächendeckenden Angriffe auf die serbische Minderheit im Frühjahr vorbereitet, sondern war außerdem in Personalunion BND-Informant und Al-Qaida-Kontaktmann.

Monday, November 22, 2004



Falluja women, children in mass grave

Sunday 21 November 2004,

Many corpses remain unburied, Falluja residents say
Falluja - America's hollow victory
Comments: Fallujans, the price of liberation

Residents of a village neighbouring Falluja have told Aljazeera that they helped bury the bodies of 73 women and children who were burnt to death by a US bombing attack.

"We buried them here, but we could not identify them because they were charred by the use of napalm bombs used by the Americans," said one resident of Saqlawiya in footage aired on Aljazeera on Sunday.

There have been no reports of the US military using napalm in Falluja and no independent verification of the claims.

The resident told Aljazeera all the bodies were buried in a single grave.

Late last week, US troops in Falluja called on some residents who had fled the fighting to return and help bury the dead.

However, according to other residents who managed to flee the fighting after US forces entered the city, hundreds more bodies still lay in the streets and were being fed on by packs of wild dogs.................................

Wider die Islamophobie Jüdischer Kulturverein Berlin

Mit der Bitte um Beachtung und Veröffentlichung

An Politiker, Medien,
gesellschaftliche Einrichtungen,
Verbände und Vereine

Wider die Islamophobie

Zunehmend scheinen Antisemitismus und Islamophobie zwei Seiten jener Medaille zu sein, in die stereotypes Handeln und neues Unverständnis mit großen Lettern eingraviert sind.
Es gibt keine rational nachvollziehbare Erklärung für die aktuelle Hysterie, die gezielt und ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste gegen Muslima und Muslime aller Länder, Sprachen, kultureller und sozialer Identitäten geschürt wird.
Wer so zündelt, riskiert eine Feuerbrunst. Wir wollen das nicht!
Was treibt Mächtige in der Politik, was veranlasst manche Medien zu einer Kampagne, an deren Ende es nur Verlierer geben wird? Was nährt das Zerrbild vom Nachbarn?

Unübersehbar, und das ist u.E. das Grundübel, benachteiligen soziale Verhältnisse die geduldeten wie hier beheimateten Mitglieder der muslimischen Gemeinschaften und jene, die von Außenstehenden dafür gehalten werden. Dumpf und zerstörerisch wird eine Islam-Feindschaft hoffähig geredet und der Irrweg in einen Anti-Islamismus geebnet.

Wir erinnern daran, wann und wie aus religiöser oder ökonomischer Judenfeindschaft mörderischer Antisemitismus geworden ist. Das macht uns misstrauisch gegen jede selbstgefällige Polemik, die den Islam und mit ihm die gesamte muslimische Gemeinschaft zur verdeckt sprudelnden Quelle jenes brutalen extremistischen Terrors erklärt, der gerade auch gegen unser Volk gerichtet ist. Gegen diesen haben wir uns auch mit Muslimen verbündet.

Jahrzehnte sind ohne ein erkennbares gesellschaftliches Interesse an anderen Lebenswelten verstrichen. Der Dialog im Neben- und Miteinander setzt wissenden und gespürten Respekt voraus.
Wir bedauern zutiefst, dass die EU auch mit Deutschlands Stimme nicht dem Vorschlag Spaniens gefolgt ist, den Erwerb von Kenntnissen über die Kulturen der Welt bei der Integration ihrer Vertreter in den jeweiligen europäischen Provinzen für unentbehrlich anzusehen.

Es geht nicht um den Islam in Deutschland. Es muss an die Aufklärung angeknüpft werden. Lessing hat durch seinen weisen Nathan ein deutsches Leitbild der Toleranz geschaffen, auf das wir stolz sein können.
Berlin, 19. November 2004

Für den Jüdischen Kulturverein Berlin e.V.

Dr. Irene Runge Ralf Bachmann Igor Chalmiev
1. Vorsitzende Vorstandsmitglied Integrationsbeauftragter
F.d.R. 0172- 395 3349

Der JKV ist Gründungsmitglied im Migrationsrat Berlin-Brandenburg. www.mrbb.de/Mitglieder/116

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Turn Waste Into Fuel

The Observer - UK

The technology - created with European Union money - uses corn stubble and other farm waste as basic ingredients for making ethanol. This can then be used as a substitute for petrol.

We have to find alternatives - and quickly.'

The project uses biomass, organic matter from plants. Sources include wood, crops, and agriculture and forestry waste. Traditionally, they have been burnt as a fuel or just to get rid of them, though corn stubble is now ploughed into the ground in the UK because of the impact of burning on the environment.

More than 75 million tonnes of stubble are left each year from Europe's harvests. Fermenting it all would create 250,000 million litres of ethanol, equal to the world's entire current production.

In addition, such fuel does not increase global warming. The carbon dioxide released by burning ethanol is absorbed by the corn, spruce and willow plants which are grown the following year, so the gas is effectively recycled.

Ethanol is only a partial substitute for petrol, which can be diluted by 10 per cent by it.

The mixture will burn happily in a normal car engine. 'It may not seem much but a 20 per cent cut in oil imports would be a significant help for Europe,' said Reczey.

Ethanol: the facts

* More than five billion litres of ethanol are used as fuel in Canada and the US a year, about 1 per cent of the petrol volume.

* All cars made since 1970 can use up to 10 per cent of ethanol in their petrol without changes.

* Henry Ford designed his 1908 Model T to run on the chemical.

IRAN - und welche Waffen setzen wir ein?

Die Chefredaktion der New York Times verglich am Sonnabend in einem Leitartikel die Desinformationskampagne gegen Iran mit den Lügen, die vor zwei Jahren den Irak-Krieg vorbereiteten, und warnte vor Kriegsplänen

Achse des Bösen" wiederbelebt auszuege

deutsche welle

US-Präsident Bush nutzte seinen ersten internationalen Auftritt nach der Wahl, um deutliche Drohungen gegen den Iran und Nordkorea auszusprechen. Die beiden Regierungen reagierten unterschiedlich.

US-Präsident George W. Bush hat den Iran und Nordkorea aufgefordert, ihre Atomprogramme einzustellen. Am Rande des Asien-Pazifik-Forums (APEC) in Santiago de Chile warnte Bush Teheran und Pjöngjang davor, ihre nuklearen Aktivitäten fortzusetzen. Beide Staaten waren von ihm vor drei Jahren gemeinsam mit dem Irak als Teile einer "Achse des Bösen" gebrandmarkt worden.

Bush warf Teheran vor, die Herstellung von atomwaffenfähigem Material zu beschleunigen. Dies sei eine "sehr ernste Angelegenheit". Die Teilnehmer des APEC-Treffens arbeiteten zusammen, "um diese Angelegenheit zu klären". Die iranische Regierung müsse wissen, dass die internationale Gesellschaft besorgt über ihr Streben nach atomwaffenfähigem Material seien, warnte der US-Präsident.

Der Chef der iranischen Atomenergie-Kommission Gholam-Resa Akasadeh bekräftigte, dass Teheran wie vereinbart am Montag (22.11.04) das Programm stoppe. Gleichzeitig wies er die Vorwürfe über die verstärkte Produktion von Uran-Hexafluorid als haltlos zurück. Auch Vorwürfe, Teheran verfolge ein geheimes Atomprogramm in einer Fabrik in Lavisan bei Teheran, wies Akasadeh zurück. Es gebe in Iran keine geheimen Nuklearanlagen.

an den nordkoreanischen Statschef Kim Jong Il r: "Schaffen Sie Ihre Atomwaffenprogramme ab", sagte Bush nach Gesprächen mit Vertretern Pekings, Tokios, Seouls und Moskaus am Rande des Gipfels.

Nordkorea hat der US-Regierung Pläne für einen Atomkrieg vorgeworfen

Die USA hätten "im Geheimen ein Szenario des Atomkriegs gegen uns ausgearbeitet und regelmäßig Manöver zum Abwurf von Atombomben abgehalten", hieß es weiter. Japanische Medien hatten vor kurzem berichtet, Washington habe ein Szenario durchgespielt, in dem im Falle einer nordkoreanischen Invasion in Südkorea 30 Atombomben zum Einsatz kommen sollten. (kas)

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Amerika und der Holocaust - Buchempfehlung

Amerika und der Holocaust
von Eva Schweitzer, ISBN: 3426777843, Droemer/Knaur, 12.90 Euro

die Vereinigten Staaten bis in die 40er Jahre hinein mit dem Dritten Reich paktiert: Die restriktive Einwanderungspolitik der US-Regierung kostete Zehntausende jüdischer Flüchtlinge das Leben.

Die Union Banking Corporation von George W. Bushs Großvater finanzierte die Aufrüstung der Wehrmacht, zudem war er Mitinhaber einer Fabrik, die in Auschwitz Stahl produzierte.

Ford, General Motors und die Standard Oil der Rockefellers verkauften Fahrzeuge und Flugbenzin an die Wehrmacht. Ein erschütternder Report aus der dunklen Vergangenheit der USA.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Radioactive Waste Shipments US

How Secure Are Radioactive Waste Shipments?

Nov 18, 2004 10:45 am US/Eastern
NEW YORK (CBS) Truckloads of radioactive waste are shipped every day from nuclear facilities to long term storage. In many cases, the trucks are unguarded and are on city streets and highways. So who's protecting the hazardous waste? And is it safe?

bushtrash FLORIDA Bushs automatischer Wahlsieg ENDLICH AUCH DER SPIEGELr US-Präsidentschaftswahl


Bushs automatischer Wahlsieg AUSZUEGE

Jetzt also auch Florida. Nach den Berichten über Unregelmäßigkeiten bei der US-Präsidentschaftswahl im wichtigen Swing-State Ohio gibt es nun auch Zweifel am Ergebnis in Florida. Laut einer Untersuchung der renommierten Universität Berkeley brachten die elektronischen Wahlmaschinen dort Präsident Bush einen deutlichen Vorteil.

Das computergesteuerte Wahlsystem brachte George W. Bush der Studie zufolge 260.000 Stimmen mehr, als er hätte bekommen sollen. Zu diesem Ergebnis ist eine Gruppe Doktoranden der Berkeley-Universität in Kalifornien nach einer statistischen Analyse gekommen, die das Technik-Magazin "Wired" veröffentlicht hat. Die Wissenschaftler forderten die Behörden Floridas auf, die Ergebnisse ihrer Studie zu prüfen und die Stimmabgabe in den Wahlbezirken zu untersuchen, in denen Touchscreens als Wahlmaschinen benutzt wurden.

Die Analyse der Experten zeigt einen interessanten Unterschied auf: Nämlich dass Bush in Bezirken mit Touchscreen-Wahlmaschinen signifikant mehr Stimmen bekommen hat als in Bezirken mit anderen Systemen - und zwar unabhängig von der Einwohnerstruktur der Bezirke, also von mittlerem Einkommen etwa, Rassenzugehörigkeit und Altersdurchschnitt. In insgesamt 15 Bezirken stellten die Wissenschaftler diese statistische Abweichung fest. In den Bezirken mit anderen Stimmabgabemodalitäten gab es keine entsprechenden Abweichungen.

Besonders interessant dabei: Die Bezirke, in denen die Abweichungen besonders extrem auffielen, waren ausgesprochen demokratische Bezirke. Die statistische Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sich eine solche Entwicklung zufällig ergibt, liegt bei weniger als eins zu tausend, zitiert das Fachblatt Soziologie-Professor Michael Hout.

Viele der eingesetzten Touchscreen-Maschinen entwickelte die Firma Election Systems & Software. Das Unternehmen nannte die Ergebnisse der Berkeley-Studie hypothetisch und wies die Vorwürfe zurück.

Thatcher - Putsch - Äquatorialguinea -Prozess in Südafrika

junge welt
Roswitha Reich, Kapstadt

Mark Thatcher mit angeklagt

Söldnerprozeß wird in Äquatorialguinea fortgesetzt. Britischer Außenminister Straw wußte von Putschvorbereitungen

Mark Thatcher, Sohn der ehemaligen britischen Premierministerin Margaret Thatcher, ist im Prozeß gegen die Putschistensöldner von Äquatorialguinea mit angeklagt. Vor einigen Wochen hatte er einem Juristenteam aus dem westafrikanischen Inselstaat an seinem jetzigen Wohnort Südafrika jede Auskunft mit der Begründung verweigert, er könnte sich damit selbst belasten. Deshalb ist er nun in Abwesenheit gemeinsam mit weiteren acht Hintermännern des im März gescheiterten Putsches gegen die Regierung Teodoro Obiang Nguema sowie 19 Söldnern vorwiegend aus Südafrika angeklagt. Dieses wurde bei Fortsetzung des Prozesses nach elfwöchiger Unterbrechung in der äquatorialguinäischen Hauptstadt Malabo bekannt. Inzwischen soll sich Obiang Nguema sogar persönlich an Südafrikas Präsidenten Thabo Mbeki wegen Unterstützung für eine Überstellung von Thatcher nach Äquatorialguinea gewandt haben. Allerdings ist eine Auslieferung eher unwahrscheinlich, da zwischen den beiden Ländern kein Rechtshilfeabkommen existiert.

Thatcher ist angeklagt, 1,7 Millionen Rand für die Putschisten organisiert zu haben. Er habe die Luftlandeoperationen finanziert und dabei mit einer privaten südafrikanischen Fluggesellschaft zusammengearbeitet, die sich in dem kleinen Städtchen Bethlehem in der Free-Staat-Provinz als Air Ambulance getarnt hatte. Die Firma hatte sowohl das Söldnerflugzeug nach Simbabwe als auch die Maschine gestellt, mit der Oppositionspolitiker Severo Moto aus Madrid in Erwartung seiner Machtübernahme nach Bamako im Nachbarland Mali geflogen worden war, wo der die Entwicklung abwartete. Obwohl Mark Thatcher vehement bestreitet, im Auftrage britischer Ölmonopole gehandelt zu haben, gab die britische Regierung kürzlich zu, von den Putschvorbereitungen gegen Äquatorialguinea gewußt zu haben. So räumte Außenminister Jack Straw in einer Fragestunde des britischen Parlaments ein, daß er bereits »in den späten Januartagen 2004 informiert wurde«. Dabei hatte Straw noch Ende August während eines Arbeitsbesuchs in Südafrika – damals wurde Mark Thatcher in Kapstadt gerade als Finanzier des Putsches festgenommen – jegliche Mitbeteiligung Großbritanniens an dem Putschversuch vehement zurückgewiesen.

Hauptangeklagter in Malabo ist Söldnerführer Nick du Troit (48) aus Südafrika, gegen den die Todesstrafe beantragt wurde. Der ehemalige hochrangige Militär aus den berüchtigten Killerkommandos der Apartheid-Zeit hatte sich 1994 nach Westafrika abgesetzt und in Äquatorialguinea mehrere Firmen betrieben, die vor allem in illegale Waffengeschäfte verwickelt waren. Er hatte die südafrikanischen und andere ausländische Söldner, die mit ihm vor Gericht stehen, für den Putsch angeheuert. Über seinen ehemaligen Apartheidkumpanen Simon Mann – nach dem Ende der Apartheid Begründer der berüchtigten Sicherheitsfirma Executive Outcomes und jetzt Inhaber eines britischen Passes – hatte er den Putschauftrag angenommen.

bushtrash junge Welt, 19.11.2004 Jürgen Elsässer, Belgrad BND-Mann an UCK-Spitze BND-Mann an UCK-Spitze

junge welt

junge Welt, 19.11.2004

Jürgen Elsässer, Belgrad

BND-Mann an UCK-Spitze

Agent des deutschen Geheimdienstes zog bei den antiserbischen Pogromen im
Kosovo im März die Fäden. Albanische Terroristen bereiten neue Offensive vor

Ein bezahlter Agent des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) war einer der
Hauptorganisatoren der Pogrome, die im Kosovo am 17. und 18. März dieses
Jahres nach offiziellen UN-Angaben 19 Menschen das Leben gekostet haben.

Es handelt sich um Samedin Xhezairi, der in der Untergrundarmee UCK unter
dem Kriegsnamen Kommandant Hodza firmiert. Der Mann lebte und arbeitete
jahrelang als Medizinisch-Technischer Assistent in Österreich und schloß
sich nach Ausbruch des bewaffneten Konflikts im Kosovo 1997/98 der UCK an.
Er kämpfte zunächst in der 171. UCK-Brigade gegen die Serben. Nachdem dieser
Krieg mit Hilfe der NATO 1999 gewonnen war, wechselte Xhezairi über die
Grenze und nahm im Frühjahr 2001 im Rahmen der 112. Brigade am UCK-Aufstand
in Mazedonien teil. Dort war er im Raum Tetovo Kommandant einer Einheit, der
auch ausländische Gotteskrieger angehörten. Als diese Einheit im Juni 2001
von der mazedonischen Armee bei Aracinovo eingekesselt wurde, half die
US-Army und flog die Truppe aus. Neben Xhezairi und seinen Mudschaheddin
befanden sich auch 17 US-Militärberater unter den Geretteten.

NATO-Quellen bezeichnen Xhezairi als Bindeglied zwischen UCK und Al Qaida.
Sein Auftrag sei der Aufbau einer »Armee Allahs« in der Krisenprovinz.
Jedenfalls soll der Albaner schon in Afghanistan und Tschetschenien gekämpft
haben, und seine Telefonnummer wurde bei einem festgenommenen
Al-Qaida-Verdächtigen gefunden.

Daneben ist Xhezairi Koordinator eines geheimen Netzes, das Angehörige der
formell aufgelösten UCK geknüpft haben, die heute im Kosovo-Schutzkorps und
der Kosovo-Polizei - zwei von UNO und NATO genehmigten Organisationen -
ihren Dienst verrichten. Über dieses Netz wurden die Pogrome im März
gesteuert. Xhezairi befehligte den terroristischen Mob in Prizren und

Nach eigenen Angaben steht Xhezairi »auf der Gehaltsliste des BND, der CIA
und eines österreichischen Geheimdienstes«. Von drei Personen kann überdies
bezeugt werden, daß der BND durch Telefonüberwachung im voraus wußte, daß
Xhezairi und seine Leute im März zuschlagen würden. Diese Aussagen, die
junge Welt von einem westeuropäischen Nachrichtendienst zugespielt wurden,
gingen auch an andere deutsche Medien und sollen in Kürze öffentlich
dokumentiert werden.

»Ich kann jederzeit 30000 Leute mobilisieren. Wir müssen nicht auf das
nächste Frühjahr warten, um wieder anzugreifen«, behauptet Xhezairi demnach.
Daß dies nicht nur leere Worte sind, beweist die von einem Augenzeugen
bestätige Ankunft neuer hochmoderner Waffen in der Krisenprovinz. Demnach
sollen Albaner in den letzten Wochen allein 15 Scharfschützengewehre vom Typ
G-22 nach Prizren geschmuggelt haben, wo sich die Kommandantur des deutschen
Kontingents der sogenannten Kosovo-Schutztruppe KFOR befindet. »Mit dem G-22
kann man einem Spatzen auf 1500 Meter das Gehirn herausschießen«, sagen
Fachleute. Von weiteren 50 Stück im Besitz der UCK will die Quelle gehört
haben. Die Präzisionswaffe der britischen Firma Accuracy International Ltd.
wird erst seit 1997 hergestellt. Zu den Empfängern der ersten 50 Exemplare
gehörten damals die Krisenreaktionskräfte (KSK) der Bundeswehr.

»So, wie die albanischen Terroristen im Augenblick ausgerüstet sind, hätte
die KFOR bei einer neuen Offensive keine Chance - von den Serben ganz
abgesehen«, kommentiert Mira Beham in der am heutigen Freitag erscheinenden
Ausgabe des Belgrader Wochenmagazins NIN.


Thursday, November 18, 2004

Ohio's provisional ballots "may prove determinative of the outcome," Democrats argue

Democrats take up fight over ballots
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Bill Sloat
Plain Dealer Reporter

Cincinnati - Seeming to brush aside John Kerry's concession speech, the Ohio Democratic Party has launched a federal court fight over nearly 155,000 provisional ballots by contending a proper accounting of those votes might decide who really won.

In Ohio, Bush now holds a lead of about 136,000 votes over Kerry.

County officials across the state began tabulating provisional ballots Friday.

"Given the closeness of the presidential and other elections," Ohio's provisional ballots "may prove determinative of the outcome," Democrats argue in a legal filing made public Wednesday by the U.S. District Court.

The lawsuit asked U.S. District Judge Michael H. Watson to order Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell to impose uniform standards for counting provisional votes on all 88 counties. Democrats want the judge to take action quickly - before the results of the election are certified.

Florida: Bush up to 260,000 more votes than he should have received

Full article
Researchers: Florida Vote Fishy

12:18 PM Nov. 18, 2004 PT

Electronic voting machines in Florida may have awarded George W. Bush up to 260,000 more votes than he should have received, according to statistical analysis conducted by University of California, Berkeley graduate students and a professor, who released a study on Thursday.

The researchers likened their report to a beeping smoke alarm and called on Florida officials to examine the data and the voting systems in counties that used touch-screen voting machines to provide an explanation for the anomalies. The researchers examined the same numbers and variables in Ohio, but found no discrepancies there.

Russia Developing New Nuclear Missile

Russia Developing New Nuclear Missile

Nov 17, 9:18 AM (ET)

(AP) President Vladimir Putin, right, shakes hands with Arkady Volsky, the chief of the Russian Union of...
Full Image

MOSCOW (AP) - President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia is developing a new form of nuclear missile unlike those held by other countries, news agencies reported.

Speaking at a meeting of the Armed Forces' leadership, Putin reportedly said that Russia is researching and successfully testing new nuclear missile systems.

"I am sure that ... they will be put in service within the next few years and, what is more, they will be developments of the kind that other nuclear powers do not and will not have," Putin was quoted as saying by the ITAR-Tass news agency.

Putin reportedly said: "International terrorism is one of the major threats for Russia. We understand as soon as we ignore such components of our defense as a nuclear and missile shield, other threats may occur."

No details were immediately available, but Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said earlier this month that Russia expected to test-fire a mobile version of its Topol-M ballistic missile this year and that production of the new weapon could be commissioned in 2005.

News reports have also said Russia is believed to be developing a next-generation heavy nuclear missile that could carry up to 10 nuclear warheads weighing a total of 4.4 tons, compared with the Topol-M's 1.32-ton combat payload.

Topol-Ms have been deployed in silos since 1998. The missiles have a range of about 6,000 miles and reportedly can maneuver in ways that are difficult to detect.

Earlier this year, a senior Defense Ministry official was quoted as telling news agencies that Russia had developed a weapon that could make the United States' proposed missile-defense system useless. Details were not given, but military analysts said the claimed new weapon could be a hypersonic cruise missile or maneuverable ballistic missile warheads.

Linda Ronstadt - " a new bunch of Hitlers."

Linda Ronstadt
"I worry that some people are entertained by the idea of this war. They don't know anything about the Iraqis, but they're angry and frustrated in their own lives. It's like Germany, before Hitler took over. The economy was bad and people felt kicked around. They looked for a scapegoat. Now we've got a new bunch of Hitlers."



Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish stepping a U.S. President George Bush doll. - kicked out of Liberal Party

theglobeandmail article
Outspoken Liberal MP booted from caucus

Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish is shown in this handout still photo from video from a television show stepping a U.S. President George Bush doll.

Thursday, Nov 18, 2004

Carolyn Parrish has been thrown out of the Liberal caucus by Prime Minister Paul Martin, who said Thursday that her behaviour had become "unacceptable."

Ms. Parrish had capped a series of controversial statements with a denunciation Wednesday of Mr. Martin, an attack that shattered the rules of party etiquette.

After meeting with cabinet in Ottawa, Mr. Martin spoke briefly to reporters.

"After speaking with the caucus executive earlier this afternoon, I am announcing my decision, effective immediately, to dismiss Carolyn Parrish from the government caucus," he said.

Mr. Martin, who did not take any questions, said that he had phoned Ms. Parrish to tell her personally.

"I told her that, while I have defended her right to express her views frankly, I cannot, as leader of our party and the government caucus, tolerate behaviour that demeans and disrespects others," he said. "It is unacceptable. There are better, more civil and more effective ways to make your case than those she has chosen."

The move by Mr. Martin removes an embarrassing figure from his party, reducing the chance that George W. Bush will be heckled from the government benches if the U.S. President addresses Parliament when he comes to Ottawa at the end of the month.

It also reduces the already-tenuous position of the minority Liberals. The governing party now has 134 of the 308 seats in the House of Commons. The various opposition parties hold 172 seats and there are now two independents.

Ms. Parrish has refused to tone down her criticisms of Mr. Bush, who she has denounced as a "war-like" leader. But her most serious crime seems to have been rejecting the authority of her party's leader, saying Wednesday that Mr. Martin could "go to hell" if he didn't like her behaviour.

Her attitude received international attention when a photo of her stomping on a Bush doll, filmed as part of a This Hour has 22 Minutes episode, ran on the hugely popular Drudge Report.

Mr. Parrish has long been a thorn in the side of Liberals who want to rebuild ties with the United States. She called the countries contributing to U.S. efforts in Iraq a "coalition of the idiots" and was dismayed at the re-election of Mr. Bush.

She responded to Mr. Bush's election victory by saying that Americans had "reconfirmed [him] as their Commander-in-Chief, and he is a warlike man."

She was scolded then by Mr. Martin but she retorted that she would continue to speak her mind. But on Wednesday she went too far by shifting her criticism to the party's leadership.

"I have absolutely no loyalty to this team. None," she told Canadian Press.

"After what they've put me through and lots of my colleagues, they can all go to hell. But [Mr. Martin's] not going to control me, so all he's going to do is end up looking weak."

Mr. Martin could not, apparently, control her. But he could fire her.



I guess a few Democrats are principled.
Support for Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb's demand for a recount of the Ohio presidential vote continues to grow. Ohio Congressman and former presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has joined a growing list of individuals and organizations calling for a recount.

"I strongly support the request for a recount in Ohio,"

Kucinich said that a "recount is an appropriate response to officials who tried to suppress the vote" and that the "highly partisan activities of state election officials cast doubt on the integrity of the elections process."

Why Kerry afraid to speak on vote fraud?

Why Kerry afraid to speak on vote fraud? KERRY USED ES&S/DIEBOLD E-VOTE RIG TO OUST DEAN!
author: worthy repost
KERRY USED ES&S VOTE MACHINES TO RIG THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, TO OUST DEAN, SEALING THE SKULL AND BONES'ERS IN EACH "PARTY." KERRY IS JUST AS GUILTY AS BUSH OF VOTE FRAUD. THAT IS WHY KERRY IS QUIET. Dean would have been the Democratic Party Ticket, legally,--until e-vote fraud came to the "rescue" for the aristocratic elites of the U.S. Moreover, did you know that VP George H. W. Bush won a wierd "unexpected upset" (due to e-vote machines?) in 1988 against Republican front runner Bob Dole. This happened in New Hampshire as well.

Whom are you going to trust: Fallujah

Counterinsurgency run amok
By Pepe Escobar

"The people who are doing the beheadings are extremists ... the people slaughtering Iraqis - torturing in prisons and shooting wounded prisoners - are 'American heroes'. Congratulations, you must be so proud of yourselves today."
- Iraqi girl blogger Riverbend

Whom are you going to trust: Fallujah civilians who risked their lives to escape, witnesses such as Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein, hospital doctors, Amnesty International, top United Nations human-rights official Louise Arbour, the International Committee of the Red Cross; or the Pentagon and US-installed Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi?

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Theo van Gogh, the Dutch film-maker

THE Dutch secret service has been infiltrated by an Islamic extremist linked to the killer of Theo van Gogh, the Dutch film-maker whose murder has accelerated Holland’s transformation from one of Europe’s most tolerant countries into a society increasingly polarised by fears about immigration.
In October last year, anti-terrorist police raided a number of buildings, including Bouyeri’s flat. But despite finding a “jihad martyr’s will” that suggested he was planning a suicide operation, they released him without charge.

Falluja Pictures


800 Iraqi civilians have been killed during the siege on Fallujah.

Red Cross officials in Iraq are now estimating 800 Iraqi civilians have been killed during the siege on Fallujah. We go to Baghdad to speak with independent journalist Dahr Jamail who broke the story. [includes rush transcript] Independent journalist Dahr Jamail is reporting that Red Cross officials in Iraq are now estimating 800 Iraqi civilians have been killed during the siege on Fallujah. Jamail quotes an unnamed Red Cross official who insisted on remaining anonymous out of fear of US military reprisal. The US military has claimed that no civilians have been killed in the city even though the city of 300,000 has recently witnessed some of the most intense fighting of the Iraq war. The military has estimated 1200 fighters have been killed.

* Dahr Jamail, an independent journalist currently based in Baghdad. He is one of the only independent, unembedded journalists in Iraq right now. He publishes his reports on a blog called DahrJamailIraq.com.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Walter's 9/11 ad campaign analysed at Keith Olbermann, MSNBC...


ANNOUNCER: A third tower two blocks from the world trade center.

Crumbled into dust at 5:25 on September 11. It was not hit by any plane. It had no significant fire. No explanation for its collapse has been given. The collapse looks just like a typical demolition by explosives. Call 888-investigate or go to ReOpen911.com to reopen the investigation.


OLBERMANN: A second commercial suggests that no plane flew into the Pentagon. As ever, when the subject of 9/11 comes up, we‘re fortunate to turn to the most respected authority on the subject, the author of “Why America Slept” and before that the book that overwhelms almost every aspect of the various JFK assassination conspiracy theories, “Case Closed,” Gerald Posner. Good evening, sir.

GERALD POSNER, SCHOLAR: Good to be with you, Keith.

OLBERMANN: What are these ads and who is responsible for them?

POSNER: These ads are sort of straight out of “X-Files.” They are the types of things that warm the cockles of Oliver Stone‘s heart. Who is responsible for them is a multi-millionaire, a fellow, James Walter out of Santa Barbara, California. He is worth about $7 million. Mostly inherited from his family. He had a building construction company in Tampa, Florida. And he has been a social activist in the past, good causes, things like voter registration, prison reform. But this time he‘s gone off the far end.

We‘re talking about ads that in essence are saying, World Trade Center 7, a building two blocks away from the World Trade Center Towers, really wasn‘t destroyed by the damage from the planes that went into the other two towers that day. But somehow, the owner of that building must have thought, gee, you know what? I don‘t have enough people filling that building. I have too many vacancies and sent in a secret team to plant explosives and bring it down on 9/11 with nobody noticing and the government should be investigating that.

And the plane we all thought went into the Pentagon with all those people that died onboard, that‘s just a bit of fiction made up. This is really pretty far down the field. One of his own friends recently described James Walter as an eccentric sweetheart. I can‘t speak to the sweetheart part but eccentric would be a mild term to describe these ads.

OLBERMANN: He was also, this man, James Walter, was quoted in “The New York Times” yesterday as saying “It just isn‘t possible that 19,” this is the quote, “19 screw-ups with box cutters pulled this whole thing off.” Is he right to raise an issue like that that might be in the backs of people‘s minds for the last three years but has gone off on a tangent here? Or is the whole premise damaging to the continuing research into 9/11?

POSNER: The whole premise is damaging in this sense. Look, there are plenty of legitimate questions about 9/11. You know I have raised some of them that remain unanswered to this day in my own book. I‘ve got the dead Saudi princes and the dead head of the Pakistani air force and the 9/11 Commission gave a pass to the Saudis. There are plenty of things leading up to 9/11 and after 9/11 that I would love to have investigated.

But the exact details of what happened that day, those planes taken by 19 hijackers, that‘s not in doubt. And when he says that he can‘t believe that 19 screw-ups did it, first of all, he underestimates our enemies. This was a clever plan, years in the making. They weren‘t screw-ups. And secondly, he has the mind of the conspiracy theorists. They can‘t believe something that large can happen and have a simple explanation.

People can‘t believe Princess Diana died in a car wreck. But she did. They can‘t believe single a assassins killed John Kennedy and Martin Luther King. But they did. And they can‘t believe in the end that flight 800 was just an accident, but it was. And that‘s the problem we have here.

OLBERMANN: Most of the ads were seen by what are called local buys. They were sold by the cable systems operators in New York and Washington during the local breaks. Not by the cable networks themselves. Is there culpability here? Especially when it comes to 9/11, should anybody be able to put out advertising as news, as long as they have enough money?

POSNER: Boy, I certainly don‘t think so. I‘m a believer in free speech and you should get a right to stand up on the corner soapbox and say whatever you want, but just because you have money, we have families of victims. And these families of victims are the ones who created the 9/11 panel. They‘re the pressure for finding out the truth in this case. But nobody should be using it for what I call a wild and completely unsupported hunch in this matter. And these cable shows that are putting them on and selling time and profiting the money, they would not be putting on an advertisement from an American neo-Nazi that said the Holocaust was a hoax. They would draw the line there. So why we are allowed to put on something that has no basis in fact, in which there are answers and explanations for all of this, just generating more confusion over the legitimate problems of 9/11. I‘m not sure why.

OLBERMANN: Investigative journalist and author, Gerald Posner. As always, sir, pleasure having you on the program.

POSNER: Good to be with you.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

electonic voting for download

voterfraud documentary
votergate.tv has an excellent documentary on electonic voting for download
the download location has been hacked recently - now its up again


Film Website
The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power", was written during the making of the film THE CORPORATION formed the basis of the research and writing for the film.

Profit at the expense of Earth--of individuals, society, and the environment--is unsustainable.
THE CORPORATION, an unprecedented box office hit in Canada, is now playing across the USA and Australia. Opening this week in New Zealand and is coming soon to the UK. Winner of nine audience choice awards including one from the Sundance Film Festival, the film inspires people to ask: What can I do now? Canadian National Broadcast Premiere: Episode 2: Wednesday October 13 on Vision TV.

US-Politiker will Beweise für Wahlbetrug vorlegen

09.11.2004 08:22 HEISE ONLINE

US-Politiker will Beweise für Wahlbetrug vorlegen

Knapp eine Woche nach der US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2004[1] erhält der Verdacht immer mehr Nahrung, dass in manchen Bundesstaaten nicht alles mit rechten Dingen[2] zuging -- vor allem dort, wo elektronische Wahlmaschinen zum Einsatz kamen. Am schärfsten formuliert derzeit der demokratische Kandidat für das US-Repräsentantenhaus, Jeff Fisher[3], Betrugsvorwürfe. Er verfüge über Beweise, dass in Florida Wahl-Computer gehackt und Wahlergebnisse gezielt manipuliert seien, ließ der Politiker am Wochenende verlautbaren.

Seine Vorwürfe untermauert Fisher unter anderem mit auffälligen Diskrepanzen beim Vergleich von Statistiken über Parteiregistrierungen und der Stimmenauszählung am 2. November in Gegenden, wo Wahlstimmen eingescannt wurden. Demnach hat George W. Bush in den Landkreisen Floridas, in denen Stimmzettel mit optischen Scannern ("Op-Scan-Precinc") und dem Computerprogramm GEMS (Global Election Management System) von Diebold Election Systems[4] bearbeitet wurden, auffällig viele Stimmen erhalten, obwohl eigentlich ein ganz anderes Ergebnis zu erwarten gewesen wäre.

Gefängnis Made in UK

Spiegel Artikel

Dienstleistungszentrum Gefängnis: Privater Betreiber aus Großbritannien
für hessische Haftanstalt
Der britische Dienstleistungskonzern Serco wird ab 2006 das
erste weitgehend privatisierte Gefängnis in Deutschland betreiben. Das Land
Hessen und Serco haben heute einen auf fünf Jahre angelegten Vertrag
Serco soll unter anderem für den Transport
der Gefangenen, die Instandhaltung der Gefängnisgebäude, den medizinischen
Dienst sowie die Videoüberwachung der Anstalt verantwortlich sein. Zum
Aufgabenbereich des privaten Betreibers werden auch der Betrieb von Küchen
und Werkstätten, die Reinigung des Gefängnisses, Teile der Verwaltung sowie
die psychologische und pädagogische Betreuung der Häftlinge gehören.

Insgesamt übernehme Serco mehr als 40 Prozent aller im Gefängnis anfallenden
Arbeiten, erklärte das hessische Justizministerium. Pläne für eine
Vollprivatisierung musste die Behörde auf Grund rechtlicher Hürden aufgeben.
Zu den 132 staatlichen Bediensteten sollen ab 2006 noch 99 Mitarbeiter des
privaten Dienstleistungsunternehmens stoßen. Das neue Gefängnis mit 502
Plätzen ist derzeit noch im Bau und soll Anfang 2006 in Betrieb gehen.

US government - criminal enterprise

full article
It Is a Rigged Game

The US political and economic system, exemplified by Bush-Cheney, is deeply criminalized. It is designed to profit by killing things. It thrives on war and oppression. It is sustained by collusion, fraud, lies, cover-up, and the indoctrination and manipulation of minds. It does not, and never has, represented its people. Its operatives heed no laws. They "make" law. These facts must be burned into the consciousness of every decent human being.


A Hidden Story Behind Sept. 11? Ad campaign in the US

full article

The New York Times --- November 8, 2004
A Hidden Story Behind Sept. 11? 
One Man's Ad Campaign Says So


WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 -The grainy 30-second commercials are eerie and cryptic, and they suggest a government cover-up of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. One implies that no plane flew into the Pentagon. The other suggests that 7 World Trade Center, which collapsed late in the afternoon that day, was detonated from within.

The advertisements, which ran repeatedly here and in New York between Oct. 20 and Nov. 2 on several cable networks, including CNN, Fox News and ESPN, offer a Web site, an address and a phone number but give little indication who is behind them.

The ads are the latest salvo from James W. Walter, a millionaire from Santa Barbara, Calif., who over the years has financed programs promoting voter registration in low- income neighborhoods and prison reform. Recently he has taken a growing interest in the investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks. The television commercials, as well as ads in magazines and newspapers, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Daily News, are part of a $3 million national campaign paid for by Mr. Walter in an effort to press for the reopening of the investigation by the independent Sept. 11 commission. 


Monday, November 08, 2004

elektronische Abstimmungen US

George Bush

"We make elections"
George Bush

Im Grunde ist es nicht schwer, all die Berichte über "vote fraud" zu sammeln, in denen elektronische Abstimmungen längst als "electronic fraud machines" bezeichnet werden. Denn das "andere Amerika" ist froh über Interesse seitens des "anderen Europa" und setzt jene, die interessiert sind, gerne auf Mailinglisten. Die "Exilregierung" und andere Gruppen weisen auf Beobachtungen in Weblogs hin, aber auch in Online-Medien. Und so können wir wiederum darauf hinweisen, daß es eine Unmenge solcher Berichte gibt, wie "Evidence Mounts that the Vote Was Hacked" von Thom Hartmann. Er sprach mit einem demokratischen Kandidaten in Florida namens Jeff Fisher, der auf das FBI wartete, da er Beweise für Hacks bei der Wahl in seinem Bundesstaat hat.

"And not just this year

vollständigerArtikel http://www.ceiberweiber.at/2004/us-wahl4.htm

Votes Vs. Exit polls

Votes Vs. Exit polls

By Tom Trottier

Al-Jazeerah, November 7, 2004

Why did the exit polls show Kerry winning the election, but the vote showed Bush winning?

The apologia by the exit poll system architects reported in the New York Times Nov 5 sounds like post-facto reasoning which assumed that the vote is correct, and therefore the exit polls must be wrong. In its own words, it then "theorized" reasons why the exit poll could have been wrong.

Why did these problems occur now and not in previous elections? Didn't the poll architects plan for them? The wrong-exit-poll theories should be tested. At the polls where the reasons occurred, how are the results different from the vote at those polls? If those results are thrown out, do the remaining results still show a difference between the exit poll and the vote, at that polling station?

'"The last wave of national exit polls we received, along with many other subscribers, showed Kerry winning the popular vote by 51 percent to 48 percent, if true, surely enough to carry the Electoral College,'' Steve Coll, managing editor of The Washington Post, wrote in an online chat with readers Wednesday.' Assuming that the "last" exit poll covered the last voters, then the last exit poll should have been very accurate if there were sufficient numbers.

It's very scary to think that George Bush & co created or suppressed 4,000,000 or more American votes. It implies widespread conspiracy, and also implies that many other close races have been fraudulently won by Republicans. Is it a coincidence that Walden O'Dell, CEO of Diebold, the maker of electronic voting machines, told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."

It cannot be assumed that the vote is correct and the exit polls flawed when the leadership of the US and the world is at stake.

This has to be investigated in a non-partisan manner.


http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/05/politics/campaign/05poll.html http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0411/S00072.htm http://www.buzzflash.com/analysis/04/11/ana04025.html http://www.tompaine.com/articles/kerry_won_.php

Tom Trottier, Ottawa ON Canada

playing chess in Yugoslavia in 1992 - Fischer off to the US and jail ?

Bobby Fischer fiance makes impassioned plea for his freedom as hearing begins

Jailed chess genius Bobby Fischer's fiance made an impassioned plea for his freedom Tuesday, hours after his lawyers fired the first shots aimed at quashing a deportation order issued against him months ago.
"(Fischer) has come to Japan on a proper passport, and done absolutely nothing wrong under Japanese law," Miyoko Watai, Fischer's betrothed and a Japanese women's chess champion herself, told a news conference.

"I want him to hurry up and get provisional release and hurry up and come back home to me so we can get things back like they were as soon as possible."

Fischer is languishing in the East Japan Immigration Bureau Detention Center in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture, while he fights deportation to the United States, where he is charged with violating an Executive Order by playing chess in Yugoslavia in 1992 while that country was under economic sanctions.

election US Florida

election florida

Morris's conspiracy theory is that the exit polls "were sabotage" to cause people in the western states to not bother voting for Bush, since the networks would call the election based on the exit polls for Kerry. But the networks didn't do that, and had never intended to. It makes far more sense that the exit polls were right - they weren't done on Diebold PCs - and that the vote itself was hacked.

So far, the only national "mainstream" media to come close to this story was Keith Olbermann on his show Friday night, November 5th, when he noted that it was curious that all the voting machine irregularities so far uncovered seem to favor Bush. In the meantime, the Washington Post and other media are now going through single-bullet-theory-like contortions to explain how the exit polls had failed.

But I agree with Fox's Dick Morris on this one, at least in large part. Wrapping up his story for The Hill, Morris wrote in his final paragraph, "This was no mere mistake. Exit polls cannot be as wrong across the board as they were on election night. I suspect foul play."

More visual analysis of the results can be seen at http://us together.org/election04/FloridaDataStats.htm, and www.rubberbug.com/temp/Florida2004chart.htm. Note the trend line – the only variable that determines a swing toward Bush was the use of optical scan machines.

One possible explanation for this is the "Dixiecrat" theory, that in Florida white voters (particularly the rural ones) have been registered as Democrats for years, but voting Republican since Reagan. Looking at the 2000 statistics, also available on Dopp's site, there are similar anomalies, although the trends are not as strong as in 2004. But some suggest the 2000 election may have been questionable in Florida, too.


Sunday, November 07, 2004

9/11 US Millionaire Pays for newspaper ads

911 nypost article

NY Post -November 7

Saturday, November 06, 2004



November 5, 2004

Via fax: 603-271-6316
To The Secretary of State of New Hampshire:

The Nader/Camejo campaign requests a hand recount of the ballots in the presidential election in New Hampshire. Numerous voting rights activists have requested that we seek a recount of this vote.

We have received reports of irregularities in the vote reported on the AccuVote Diebold Machines in comparison to exit polls and trends in voting in New Hampshire. These irregularities favor President George W. Bush by 5% to 15% over what was expected. Problems in these electronic voting machines and optical scanners are being reported in machines in a variety of states.

We are requesting that the state undertake this recount or a statistically significant sample audit of these vote counts.

We would like to make sure every vote counts and is counted accurately.


Ralph Nader

homepage: http://www.blackboxvoting.org

Harris found about 40,000 unprotected computer files


Kim Zetter: 'How E-voting threatens democracy'
Posted on Tuesday, March 30 @ 10:05:49 EST
By Kim Zetter, Wired News

In January 2003, voting activist Bev Harris was holed up in the basement of her three-story house in Renton, Washington, searching the Internet for an electronic voting machine manual, when she made a startling discovery.

Clicking on a link for a file transfer protocol site belonging to voting machine maker Diebold Election Systems, Harris found about 40,000 unprotected computer files. They included source code for Diebold's AccuVote touch-screen voting machine, program files for its Global Election Management System tabulation software, a Texas voter-registration list with voters' names and addresses, and what appeared to be live vote data from 57 precincts in a 2002 California primary election.

"There was a lot of stuff that shouldn't have been there," Harris said.

The California file was time-stamped 3:31 p.m. on Election Day, indicating that Diebold might have obtained the data during voting. But polling precincts aren't supposed to release votes until after polls close at 8 p.m. So Harris began to wonder if it were possible for the company to extract votes during an election and change them without anyone knowing.

A look at the Diebold tabulation program provided a possible answer.

Harris discovered that she could enter the vote database using Microsoft Access -- a standard program often bundled with Microsoft Office -- and change votes without leaving a trace. Diebold hadn't password-protected the file or secured the audit log, so anyone with access to the tabulation program during an election -- Diebold employees, election staff or even hackers if the county server were connected to a phone line -- could change votes and alter the log to erase the evidence.

In addition to glitches, there are concerns about the people behind the machines. A few voting company employees have been implicated in bribery or kickback schemes involving election officials. And there are concerns about the partisan loyalties of voting executives -- Diebold's chief executive, for example, is a top fund-raiser for President Bush.

Paperless touch-screen machines, also known as Direct Recording Electronic machines, appeared in the '90s. However, they cost about $3,000 each, and few counties opted to buy them until funds became available through HAVA.

According to political consulting firm Election Data Services, about 50 million people in the United States will vote this November using paperless touch-screen voting machines, while 55 million will use optical-scan machines that require voters to use a pen to mark a paper ballot, which an electronic machine then scans.

two of the top three companies do have foreign ties. Diebold Election Systems began as a Canadian firm called Global Election Systems before being purchased by Ohio-based Diebold Inc. in January 2002. And Sequoia Voting Systems is owned by two foreign firms -- 85 percent by De La Rue, a British company, and 15 percent by the Jefferson Smurfit Group of Ireland.

As for criminal activity, a Sequoia regional manager was indicted in Louisiana in 2001 for conspiring to commit money laundering and bribery, although he was never convicted. Philip Foster was accused of facilitating a 10-year kickback scheme between his brother-in-law and an election official involving millions of dollars in overcharges for voting equipment. But while the election official went to jail, Foster, who still works for Sequoia, received immunity for his testimony and is in the process of trying to get the charges expunged from his record.

Sequoia spokesman Alfie Charles said the voting equipment in question wasn't Sequoia equipment, and that "Sequoia has never been under any investigation regarding the situation in Louisiana and absolutely no allegations of improper conduct have been directed at the company."

Tom Eschberger, a vice president for the largest voting firm, Election Systems & Software, or ES&S, was also involved in a bribery and kickback scheme, this one in Arkansas. Former Arkansas Secretary of State Bill McCuen was convicted for his role in the crime, but Eschberger, like Foster, received immunity.

Up until 1995, Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel had been chairman of ES&S (then called American Information Systems) before quitting the company in March of that year two weeks before launching his Senate bid. ES&S, based in Omaha, Nebraska, manufactured the only voting machines used in the state in his election the following year. According to Neil Erickson, Nebraska's deputy secretary of state for elections, the machines counted 85 percent of votes in Hagel's race; the remaining votes were counted by hand.

Hagel, a first-time candidate who had lived out of the state for 20 years, came from behind to win two major upsets in that election: first in the primary race against a fellow Republican, then in the general race against Democrat Ben Nelson, the state's popular former governor. Nelson began the race with a 65 percent to 18 percent lead in the polls, but Hagel won with 56 percent of the vote, becoming the state's first Republican senator since 1972.

Now it was October 2002. Hagel was up for re-election, and Harris discovered that the senator still owned a financial stake in his former firm. Hagel held investments worth between $1 million and $5 million in the McCarthy Group. (Hagel won't reveal the exact size of his investment in the asset-management firm.) The McCarthy Group owns about 25 percent of ES&S, according to Hagel's chief of staff, Lou Ann Linehan. She estimated that Hagel's stake in ES&S amounts to about 1.5 percent.

Hagel disclosed the McCarthy investment in his campaign filings, but he neglected to mention that McCarthy owned part of the company counting his votes. His campaign treasurer, Michael R. McCarthy, was also chairman of the McCarthy Group and a member of ES&S's board of directors.

"That's about all it took," Harris said, expressing surprise that no reporters had bothered to uncover data that took only a few Internet searches to find.

In addition to raising concerns about the integrity of Hagel's election, the information raised concerns for Harris about Hagel's vote in Congress on HAVA. As he prepared for re-election that year, Hagel, along with hundreds of other legislators, passed the bill, which devoted billions of federal dollars to purchasing new voting machines like the ones ES&S made.

a month before the November election, she faxed a five-page press release, including supporting documents, to 3,000 journalists around the country, among them editors for Nebraska newspapers and broadcast stations, she said. No one responded.

She wasn't surprised that the Omaha World-Herald, the state's largest newspaper, didn't jump on the story. The Omaha World-Herald Co., the paper's parent company, owns part of ES&S (the newspaper declined to say how much). But the silence from other editors stunned her.

But Hagel's staff faxed Wired News a 2,600-word profile of Hagel published in the World-Herald in October 1996 that briefly mentioned in three paragraphs the senator's chairmanship of the voting company. It also noted that World-Herald publisher John Gottschalk was the person who recruited Hagel to the voting company in 1992.

Harris posted the information about Hagel to her publicity website, and ES&S sent her a cease-and-desist letter, the first of three that she would receive from voting companies over the next year. The letter, hand-delivered by a courier, warned Harris to retract statements on her website that implicated Hagel in wrongdoing or face a lawsuit.

Three months after the election, Alexander Bolton, a reporter for The Hill, a newspaper covering Capitol Hill, began reporting a story about Hagel's connection to the voting firm. But before the article ran, he got a visit from Linehan, the senator's chief of staff, who was accompanied by "a prominent GOP lawyer." According to Bolton, they asked him "to soften the story or drop it."

The staff's attempt to influence Bolton's story wasn't unusual. "That's what congressional staffs do," Bolton said. But the interest of the GOP lawyer was different. "That was very unusual," Bolton said. "I've been at The Hill for over four years and that has never happened. It's probably because Hagel has presidential ambitions."

Hagel, a 57-year-old telecommunications millionaire and twice-wounded Vietnam veteran, was on the short list for George W. Bush's running mate in 2000, a slot that ultimately went to fellow Nebraskan Dick Cheney. Hagel and his staff haven't ruled out a possible presidential bid by Hagel in 2008.

Harris documented 56 cases in which software flaws were implicated in miscounts and wrote an account of them (PDF) on her website. "I didn't finish (finding cases)," she said. "I just got tired of writing." In Dallas County, Texas, in 1998, for example, ES&S tabulation software failed to count about 44,000 votes that its optical-scan machine had recorded on ballots. In 2000 in Allamakee County, Iowa, 300 ballots fed into an ES&S optical-scan machine produced 4 million votes. The machine broke down repeatedly and flashed absurd numbers throughout the evening, election auditor Bill Roe Jr. told the Chicago Tribune.

"Equipment failures such as this are rare," wrote ES&S spokeswoman Meghan McCormick in an e-mail when asked about the problem. "When they do occur we carefully review each situation and make changes as needed."

Harris said it concerned her that only large discrepancies seemed to get reported. "You're going to catch it when you know that 5,000 votes are cast and 140,000 are counted," she said. "But what if it's a difference of 500 or 100? Who checks?"

In fact, the relationship between vendors and election officials has raised questions about conflicts of interest around the country. Manufacturers vying for million-dollar contracts have sponsored national and state conferences for election officials and courted some officials with expensive meals, cruises and tickets to concerts and sporting events, according to a Los Angeles Times investigation. They also hire former state employees to ease their way through contract negotiations and certification processes.

For example, after she left office, former Florida Secretary of State Sandra Mortham, a one-time running mate of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, became a lobbyist for both ES&S and the Florida Association of Counties. During that time, the association signed an exclusive endorsement deal with ES&S to earn a commission on any contracts that counties signed with the voting company. Karen Marcus, the association's president when the deal was signed, said Mortham didn't broker the partnership, nor did the association pressure counties to purchase ES&S machines.

In California, where counties are under court order to replace punch-card machines and will likely spend $400 million on new equipment, former Secretary of State Bill Jones praised the virtues of touch-screen voting while in office in 2001, sponsoring a $200 million bond measure to help counties purchase new e-voting machines. Support for the bill, which passed in 2002, was financed by Sequoia and ES&S. Jones became a consultant for Sequoia after leaving office and is now a GOP Senate candidate.

As Harris began to uncover more information about e-voting glitches, she decided to write a book about the voting companies and their machines. She launched BlackBoxVoting to track the progress of her investigation and contacted several publishers to pitch her idea. But no one wanted to touch it. They all told her voting was boring.

Only David Allen, a North Carolina publisher of comic book titles like Bastard Operator From Hell and My Big Fat Geek Wedding, was interested. It turned out to be a propitious partnership, though, since Allen had a background in systems administration and could answer some of Harris' technical questions. It was Allen who sent her in search of a voting machine manual, which led to the FTP site and the discovery of Diebold's source code.

"I knew that in order to really understand the potential for vote-rigging, we had to know how the systems worked," Allen said.

Diebold had installed the FTP site so that employees around the country could communicate with each other and transfer files. But somehow the company neglected to secure it. Harris wondered how the company could secure the nation's elections if it couldn't secure its own source code.

Currently one of the largest makers of automatic teller machines, the company entered the voting business in 1999 after purchasing a Brazilian technology firm and winning a $105.5 million contract to supply about 200,000 voting systems to the Brazilian government.

In 2002, Diebold jumped into the lucrative U.S. elections market by acquiring Canada's Global Election Systems and taking over its division in McKinney, Texas, to launch Diebold Election Systems. In 2000, prior to the passage of HAVA, Global Election Systems had reported a profit of just $1.1 million on total revenues of $20.2 million. Last year, Diebold's election division reported an operating profit of about $100 million.

Harris' discovery of Diebold's source code was significant because until then the only people who had seen the workings of a voting system had been forced to sign non-disclosure agreements. Anyone else who criticized the systems could do so only in theory, without seeing the code.

For weeks, about 75 people sifted through the files, including computer programmers who read the software code and lawyers who advised her about election law.

she needed to bring in academic experts who could formally analyze the code and weigh in on the security of the system.

She contacted Stanford University computer scientist David Dill, who had served on a California task force on e-voting and launched a nonprofit called VerifiedVoting.org to educate people about the need for a voter-verified paper trail. Dill contacted Avi Rubin, a computer scientist at Johns Hopkins University and director of the university's Information Security Institute.

He and Kohno divvied up reams of paper and attacked the code with highlighters and pens. Within half an hour they discovered the first serious flaw.

It was a basic error that students in Cryptography 101 learn never to make: Diebold's programmers had written the key for unscrambling the system's encryption directly into the code. This meant the key would never change, and anyone reading the source code (including anyone who downloaded it from the FTP site) would know it. The same key unlocked the data on every machine. It was the equivalent of a bank assigning the same PIN to every customer's ATM card.

"Oh man, we thought, this is horrible," said Kohno. "We realized that the system was written by novices and we weren't really surprised then by anything else we found."

For two weeks they did little but pore over the code and write their analysis. They talked to no one about what they were doing, fearing that Diebold would try to stop them with a restraining order.

Initially, they thought they might find malicious code in the software that would allow the results of elections to be changed at will. Computer scientists had long contended that anyone with access to a voting system could slip the code in and no one would know.

"We found a system that was so vulnerable in itself that you didn't need to put malicious code into it to rig an election," Kohno said. The system, they concluded, was open to attack from both inside and out.

Although any voting system is open to fraud, digital machines made it easier to affect vast numbers of votes with little effort, Mercuri said. She was the first to call for voter-verified paper ballots to be used with e-voting machines.

"If the Diebold system made it through the certification process, then the certification process is really broken," Rubin said. There was no reason to believe that systems made by other vendors were any more secure, he said.

Diebold's reaction to the memos only stoked criticism of the company. Diebold won't confirm whether the memos are genuine, but when Harris posted some of them to her website, Diebold sent a cease-and-desist letter accusing her of copyright violations under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This prompted half a dozen other people to host the memos on sites in New Zealand, Canada, Italy and the United States, including sites that offered a searchable database of the memos. And after students at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania also received a cease-and-desist letter, an anti-Diebold campaign launched on the Internet, with dozens of people hosting the memos and dissecting their content on forums and blogs.

The company's reputation declined further when news came out that it had installed uncertified software on Diebold systems in 17 California counties before last year's gubernatorial recall, a violation of the state's election law. A former Diebold employee accused the company of doing the same in Georgia, though Diebold has denied the latter charge.

"I don't think there's any vast right-wing conspiracy to control the vote," said Allen, the publisher of Harris' book. "All I know is that voting fraud in this country has a long tradition. If there's enough money in it and it can be done with a reasonable certainty of getting away with it, it will be done."

Harris, who has continued investigating the voting companies and election glitches over the last year, is certain that research will eventually uncover evidence of actual tampering by public officials or voting companies. There's no evidence of this to date, but Harris feels it's inevitable.

"The material we're learning now is staggering," she said.

Reprinted from Wired News:

18181 18181 18181


short version

In 2002 in Comal County in Central Texas 3 Republican candidates each won with exactly 18,181 votes. What do you think the odds are for that? Would you trust a lottery that hit the same numbers 3 weeks in a row? It gets worse. Two more Republicans in nearby states also won with exactly 18,181 votes. All five on the same type of ES&S voting machines.
Convert the numbers to the alphabet: 18181 18181 18181 ahaha ahaha ahaha - were they laughing at us? The voting machine company Diebold also uses a voting software called GEMS version 1.81.81. More laughter? Since brothers Bob and Todd Urosevich, founded ES&S and then Bob then went to run Diebold, perhaps both companies share a sense of humor. Diebold and ES&S, together, count about 80 percent of the votes in the United States.

You remember Florida in 2000? Remember how Gore conceded for a minute? Did you know that the computerized voting machines in just one Florida county gave Gore a NEGATIVE 16,000 votes and mistakenly added 4,000 votes to Bush's totals thus giving Bush an extra 20,000 fake votes. That was why CBS called the election for Bush and was one of the reasons Gore thought he'd lost. http://www.freepress.org/columns/display/3/2004/834

Did you know computer security experts tested Diebold voting machines and programs in Maryland and showed they could easily "reprogram the access cards used by voters and vote multiple times," that they could attach a keyboard to a voting terminal and change the vote count on that terminal. They could even use a modem to call in from somewhere else and change the votes. (http://why-war.com/news/2004/01/31/howtohac.html) Despite that Maryland bought Diebold voting machines. (A theory about why later.)

Did you know Diebold CEO Wally O'Dell sent out a fund raising letter for George Bush expressing his commitment "to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president." Seems to me that O'Dell is in a perfect position to assure that Bush does just that.

Did you know that the people that own and run the voting machine companies include foreigners, felons, ex-CIA officials and Republican Party operatives? (http://www.talion.com/election-machines.html) Did you know the largest voting machine company, ES&S, was established with funding from the extreme right wing Ahamason family and investments from the Rothschilds, that there are Cheney and Bush and CIA links as well. Turns out there are no laws about who can own voting machine companies or program voting machines.
Let me tell you about the people who write the programs for these machines. Most Diebold programming is done in Canada by programmers who are Russians, British and Canadian. Fixing an American election wouldn't even be treason for them because they aren't Americans. The programmers even include felons, like the Diebold programmer in charge of nationwide programming till 2002 who was previously convicted of 23 counts of embezzlement. (http://www.blackboxvoting.org/) Embezzle some money. Fix elections. What's the difference?

Did you know that Johns Hopkins professer Avril Rubin and two graduate students spent the summer of 2003 unraveling Diebold software and discovered it made fixing an election easy? Memos liberated from Diebold discussed how little security voting machine programs have and how to get around even the limited certification requirement.

Let me tell you about Senator Chuck Hagel. As a relative unknown he won a huge upset victory in Nebraska using ES&S voting machines. He was the first Republican to be elected to statewide office in 24 years. Hagel even carried black precincts that had NEVER before voted Republican. Turns out he had been the CEO of ES&S and still owned a big piece of the company and had concealed his ties. ES&S was and is the only company certified to sell voting technology in Nebraska. Hagel won this upset election with ES&S machines programmed while he was still its CEO.

When Hagel won what Business Week described as a "landslide upset," reporters might have written about the strange business of an upstart senator who ran his own voting machine company. They didn't because they didn't know about it: On Hagel's required personal disclosure documents, he omitted AIS. When asked to describe every position he had held, paid or unpaid, he mentioned his work as a banker and even listed his volunteer positions with the Mid-Americachapter of the American Red Cross. What he never disclosed was his salary from or stock holdings in the voting machine company whose machines had counted his votes. http://www.blackboxvoting.org/bbv_chapter-3.pdf

In 2002 a Business Records Corporation (BRC) executive, Tom Eschberger, was given immunity from prosecution in return for cooperating in an investigation of former Arkansas secretary of state Bill McCuen. McCuen later pled guilty to taking bribes and kickbacks in a voting-machine scandal which partially involved BRC. In the meantime BRC was merged with the ES&S, the largest voting machine company, and Eschberger was made Vice-President.

Sequoia, the third largest voting machine company, is largely owned by the British firm De La Rue. De La Rue is owned by the corporation Madison Dearborn which is a partner of the Carlyle Group, the investment firm and arms merchant that until recently employed former president George Herbert Walker Bush and has major investments from the Bin Laden family. Sequoia executives Phil Foster and Pasquale Ricci were convicted in 1999 of paying Louisiana commissioner of elections Jerry Fowler an $8 million bribe to buy their voting machines and were involved in a massive election scandal in Louisiana involving connections with organized crime. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/dec2003/vote-d24.shtml

Have you noticed the huge swings between the polls and the votes in many elections. We even saw that in New Hampshire in 2004. The day before the election Dean and Kerry were neck and neck. Then Kerry won by 14%. How much Kerry won by correlated with how the votes were counted. According to Martin Bento Kerry won by 14.7% in areas with Diebold counting, 7.7% with ES&S counting, and 1.4% with hand counts. http://livejournal.com/users/explodedview Talk about "things that make you go hmmmmm."

Do you trust ANYONE to count the votes in hidden and secret ways?

I don't. If history has taught us anything it is that there is a long history of voter fraud by both parties .

I just don't trust the voting machines and I don't see why I should have to. When you read that a vice president of ES&S was involved in an investigation of brides and kickbacks for electronic voting machines, doesn't that make you suspicious. When I see all the contributions to the Republicans by voting machine company executives, I get suspicious.



Sequoia (one of the voting machine companies) also has a colorful history, most recently in Louisiana, where it was the center of a massive corruption case that sent top state officials to jail for bribery, most of it funneled through Mob-connected front firms. Sequoia executives were also indicted, but escaped trial after giving immunized testimony against state officials. The UK-owned company's corporate parent is private equity firm Madison Dearborn - a partner of the Carlyle Group.

Sequoia ES&S Chuck Hagel, Nebraska’s senior U.S. Senator


Sequoia is the mafia-affiliated one that got in trouble in 1999 for bribing Commissioners of Elections to buy their machines instead of their competitors. Unlike Diebold and ES&S, though, they're owned by a British company that has no obvious links to the Republican Party or the Christian Reconstruction movement.

ES&S is the company that Chuck Hagel used to own 20% of? The one whose voting machines gave him a landslide win in majority-black precincts in Omaha where EXIT POLLS had him 15-20 points down? They may be less notorious, but that doesn't mean they're any more honest.

Chuck Hagel, Nebraska’s senior U.S. Senator, was re-elected to his second term in the United States Senate on November 5, 2002 with 83% of the vote. Senator Hagel’s duties include membership on three Senate committees: Foreign Relations; Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; and Select Committee on Intelligence. Hagel is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations International Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion Subcommittee and the Senate Banking International Trade and Finance Subcommittee. Hagel serves as the Co-chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.

Prior to his election to the U.S. Senate, Hagel worked in the private sector as the President of McCarthy & Co., an investment banking firm based in Omaha, Nebraska, and served as Chairman of the Board of American Information Systems (AIS). Before joining McCarthy & Co., Hagel was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Private Sector Council (PSC) in Washington, D.C., Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer of the 1990 Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7 Summit) and President and Chief Executive Officer of the World USO.


voting systems companies


Only a few companies dominate the market for computer voting machines. Alarmingly, under U.S. federal law, no background checks are required on these companies or their employees. Felons and foreigners can, and do, own computer voting machine companies. Voting machine companies demand that clients sign 'proprietary' contracts to protect their trade secrets, which prohibits a thorough inspection of voting machines by outsiders. And, unbelievably, it appears that most election officials don't require paper ballots to back up or audit electronic election results. So far, lawsuits to allow complete access to inspect voting machines, or to require paper ballots so that recounts are possible...have failed.

As far as we know, some guy from Russia could be controlling the outcome of computerized elections in the United States.

In fact, Vikant Corp., a Chicago-area company owned by Alex Kantarovick, formerly of Minsk, Belorussia (also known as White Russia, formerly U.S.S.R.), supplies the all-important 'control cards' to Election Systems & Software (ES&S), the world's largest http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0805-07.htm election management company, writes reporter Christopher Bollyn. According to ES&S, they have "handled more than 40,000 of the world's most important events and elections. ES&S systems have counted approximately 60% of the U.S. national vote for the past four presidential elections. In the U.S. 2000 general election, ES&S systems counted over 100 million ballots."

Getting back to Kantarovich, he would not disclose where the control cards are made, except they aren't made in America, writes Bollyn. Nor would he discuss his previous employment. Bollyn says he got some not-too-thinly-veiled threats from Kantarovich.

Kantarovich sounds more like the Russian mafia, than a legitimate businessman.

But the really big deal is this....all of ES&S's touch screen machines contain modems, "allowing them to communicate—and be communicated with—while they are in operation," reports Bollyn. That communication capability includes satellites. "Even computers not connected to modems or an electronic network can still be manipulated offsite, not during the election, but certainly before or after," says voting systems expert Dr. Rebecca Mercuri.

ES&S supplied the touch screens for Miami-Dade and Broward counties where the worst machine failures occurred. But the debacle was nothing new for ES&S. Associated Press (AP) reporter Jessica Fargen wrote in June 2000, "Venezuela's president and the head of the nation's election board accused ES&S of trying to destabilize the country's electoral process. In the United States, four states have reported problems with equipment supplied by the company. Faulty ES&S machines used in Hawaii's 1998 elections forced that state's first-ever recount."

Sequoia is another voting systems company that sends a cold chill down my spine. "Mob ties, bribery, felony convictions, and threats of coercion are visible in the public record of the election services company," according to investigative journalist and filmmaker Daniel Hopsicker, and reported in Spotlight.com. Hopsicker says that Pasquale "Rocco" Ricci, a 65-year-old senior executive with Sequoia, and the firm's Louisiana representative, recently pled guilty to passing out as much as $10 million dollars in bribes over the course of almost an entire decade." According to American Law Education Rights & Taxation (ALERT), Ricci is the president of Sequoia International, which also manufactures casino slot machines.

That's just great. Now, we could possibly have both the Russian mafia and the U.S. mafia involved in our elections.

In May 2002 Sequoia was bought by De La Rue, based in England. By their own estimate, De La Rue is "the world's largest commercial security printer and papermaker, involved in the production of over 150 national currencies and a wide range of security documents such as travelers checks and vouchers. Employing almost 7,000 people across 31 countries, (De La Rue) is also a leading provider of cash handling equipment and software solutions to banks and retailers worldwide." And they develop technology for secure passports, identity cards, and driver's licenses.

Okay, add Dr. Evil to the mix and be on the look-out for international money launderers, drug kingpins, and Nazis.

Shoup Voting Solutions of Quakertown, Pennsylvania, has a reputation for rigging elections, wrote the late co-author of VoteScam, Jim Collier. According to Collier, in 1979, Ransom Shoup II, the president of the firm, was convicted of conspiracy and obstruction of justice stemming from an FBI investigation of a vote-fixing scam involving the old-fashioned lever machines in Philadelphia."

These reports are just the tip of the iceberg. The numerous instances of U.S. voting systems error and fraud are documented in a 1988 report for the U.S. Commerce Department entitled, "Accuracy, Integrity, and Security in Computerized Vote-Tallying" by Roy G. Saltman, a computer consultant for the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Computer Systems Laboratory. Many other experts and observers have been warning and complaining about these problems for decades.

But complaints, warnings, reports, and books like "VoteScam," haven't deterred government officials like Pinellas County (Florida) Commissioners Calvin Harris and County Judge Patrick Caddell. They told the St. Petersburg Times in October 2001 that they were aware that all of the voting machine companies had "problems in their pasts." But, Harris said, "We have to look at this objectively and not get tied up into the emotions of, 'Some guy might be a crook.'"

Dear Commissioner Harris...when it comes to elections in America...assume crooks are in control...and then act accordingly.



Final Count Disparities USA


Blatant Exit Poll -
Final Count Disparities
Analysis By Faun Otter
Vote Fraud Expert

So, what do we actually see when comparing exit polls with actual results? There is skew - but ONLY in states which the Republicans had previously stated to be target states in play. The skew is in the same direction every time; that is to say in favor of Bush. The exit poll results are not scattered about the mean as the alternative theory predicts. They are all on the Kerry side of the vote counts as issued by the states except for a hand full of states which hit amazingly close to the exit poll figures.

Here are the figures. They list the four contemporaneous and uncorrected exit polls. Kerry is listed first and Bush second in each pair of figures.

'Published' is the figure presented as the official vote count as of 10.00 am EST on 11/3/04, the morning after...

Poll one 45-55
Final poll 45-55
...Published 44-55

Poll one 48-51
2nd poll 48-50
3rd poll 46-53
...Published 46-53

Poll one 42-57
Final poll 43-56
...Published 42-57

Poll one 51-48
...Published 51-48

Poll one 49-49
3rd poll 50-48
Final poll 49-49
...Published 49-50

Poll one 50-48
2nd poll 50-48
3rd poll 50-48
Final poll 50-49
...Published 49-50

3rd poll 55-44
...Published 53-45

3rd poll 48-49
...Published 48-51

3rd poll 45-54
...Published 45-54

Final poll 46-54
...Published 46-53

These tracking polls were right where you would expect them to be and within the margin of error. However, if we look at some other states, the figures are beyond curious. Either the exit polls were wrong or the vote count is wrong:

Poll one 52-48
3rd poll 51-46
Final poll 52-47
...Published 50-49

Poll one 60-40
3rd poll 54-45
Final poll 53-46
...Published 51-49

Poll one 52-48
2nd poll 50-49
3rd poll 50-49
Final poll 51-49
...Published 49-51

Poll one 51-48
2nd poll 50-49
3rd poll 50-49
Final poll 51-49
...Published 47-52

Poll one 58-40
3rd poll 58-40
Final poll 54-44
...Published 51-48

Poll one 57-41
3rd poll 58-41
...Published 50-49

Poll one
3rd poll 49-51
Final poll 48-52
...Published 43-56

Taking the figures and measuring the size and direction of the poll to supposed vote count discrepancy, we find the variance between the exit poll and the final result:

Wisconsin: Bush plus 4%
Pennsylvania: Bush plus 5%
Ohio: Bush plus 4%
Florida: Bush plus 7%
Minnesota: Bush plus 7%
New Hampshire: Bush plus 15%
North Carolina: Bush plus 9%.

Subjects discussed include election fraud, 9/11, and



In a video filmed in Las Vegas on November 3rd, Bill
Douglas is shown in a colorful setting interviewing a
couple of interesting people.

Subjects discussed include election fraud, 9/11, and
The new five minute Las Vegas QT video can be viewed
on this page:

(Bill, his wife Angela and myself volunteered for ACT
in Las Vegas for several election time days)

I also took video of Sean Penn with three other movie
stars, discussing the serious subjects which we face
today. This video will be edited and added as I find
the time.

Thank you,
Jan Hoyer
posted by bushtrash.com at 1:41 AM 0 comments

votergate Nov-6.2004

Most voters in Ohio thought they were voting for Kerry. At 1:05 a.m. Wednesday morning, CNN's exit poll showed Kerry beating Bush among Ohio women by 53 percent to 47 percent. The exit polls were later combined with—and therefore contaminated by—the tabulated results, ultimately becoming a mirror of the apparent actual vote. [To read about the skewing of exit polls to conform to official results, click here .] Kerry also defeated Bush among Ohio's male voters 51 percent to 49 percent. Unless a third gender voted in Ohio, Kerry took the state.

So what's going on here? Answer: the exit polls are accurate. Pollsters ask, "Who did you vote for?" Unfortunately, they don't ask the crucial, question, "Was your vote counted?" The voters don't know.

Here's why. Although the exit polls show that most voters in Ohio punched cards for Kerry-Edwards, thousands of these votes were simply not recorded. This was predictable and it was predicted. [See TomPaine.com, "An Election Spoiled Rotten," November 1.]

posted by bushtrash.com at 1:34 AM 0 comments

Bin Laden's cash stash


Wednesday, September 29, 2004Bin Laden's Swiss stash 2003. The Sydney Morning Herald.
Bin Laden's Swiss stash
Dec 6, 2003

Swiss investigators have revealed that Osama bin Laden was a beneficiary of a Swiss bank account until 1997.

Fifty-seven other members of the bin Laden family were also listed as beneficiaries of the account at the UBS in Zurich, which was held by two of his half-brothers, an official of the Swiss federal prosecutors' office said.

Andrea Sadecky confirmed a report in the Swiss newspaper Le Temps that said a two-year investigation had found that the al-Qaeda leader was linked to account number 575.167 opened in 1990 by his two half-brothers - Yahia bin Laden, head of the family's Saudi construction group Binladin, and Baqer bin Laden.

The investigation by Swiss authorities began after the September 11 attacks in the US in 2001.

The newspaper said the account was opened in 1990 because the bin Ladens feared Iraq could invade Saudi Arabia and seize their fortune. The account was emptied after the 1991 Gulf War and closed in 1997, it reported.

A spokesman for UBS said: "Osama bin Laden was never a client of the bank and was never an account holder."

It is not known how much money was kept in the account, but the newspaper said Osama bin Laden's share was well below 1 million Swiss francs.

Agence France-Presse
Copyright © 2003. The Sydney Morning Herald.

Posted by: trash / 8:48 PM 0 comments
An der Seite von Izetbegovic

Auch Osama bin Laden selbst war in Bosnien. »Spiegel-Balkan-Korrespondentin Renate Flottau traf ihn 1993 in Sarajevo; er stellte sich artig vor und sprach vom bosnischen Befreiungskampf, an dem seine Leute auf der Seite der Muslime mitmachen wollten. Er besaß einen Paß des neuen Staates Bosnien-Herzegowina, ausgestellt von der Botschaft in Wien, und rühmte sich, internationale Kämpfer ins Krisengebiet zu schmuggeln«, berichtete das Hamburger Nachrichtenmagazin (38/2001) mit fast acht Jahren Verspätung. Was der Spiegel nicht schrieb, aber die Belgrader Politika (4. und 5. Oktober 2001) nach einem Gespräch mit Flottau: Dieses Zusammentreffen mit bin Laden soll im Präsidentenpalast von Alija Izetbegovic stattgefunden haben. Der genoß bis zu seinem Tod im letzten Herbst höchste Anerkennung in den NATO-Staaten im allgemeinen sowie in den USA und Deutschland im besonderen, war »unser Mann« auf dem Balkan im Kampf gegen die bösen Serben. Warum traf sich der Frontmann der NATO mit bin Laden?

Posted by: trash / 8:41 PM 0 comments
On Eve of Big Tour, Springsteen Says Press Has 'Let The Country Down'

September 27, 2004

NEW YORK On the eve of the Vote for Change tour, one of the stars of the concerts, has a few words for the press.

Springsteen says, "The press has let the country down. It's taken a very amoral stand, in that essential issues are often portrayed as simply one side says this and the other side says that....The job of the press is to tell the truth without fear or favor. We have to get back to that standard."

The problem, according to Springsteen, is that "Fox News and the Republican right have intimidated the press into an incredible self-consciousness about appearing objective and backed them into a corner of sorts where they have ceded some of their responsibility and righteous power."

He also knocks the media for allowing the White House to get away with the "disgraceful" policy of refusing "to allow photographs of the flag-draped coffins of the returning dead."

E&P Staff (letters@editorandpublisher.com) .


Posted by: trash / 5:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 27, 2004bushtrash
Carter fears Florida vote trouble
Voting arrangements in Florida do not meet "basic international requirements" and could undermine the US election, former US President Jimmy Carter says.
He said a repeat of the irregularities of the much-disputed 2000 election - which gave President George W Bush the narrowest of wins - "seems likely".

Mr Carter, a veteran observer of polls worldwide, also accused Florida's top election official of "bias".

In an article in the Washington Post newspaper, Mr Carter, a Democrat, sa

He accused Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood, a Republican, of trying to get the name of independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader included on the state ballot, knowing he might divert Democrat votes.

He also said: "A fumbling attempt has been made recently to disqualify 22,000 African Americans (likely Democrats), but only 61 Hispanics (likely Republicans), as alleged felons."

Mr Carter said Florida Governor Jeb Bush - brother of the president - had "taken no steps to correct these departures from principles of fair and equal treatment or to prevent them in the future".

"It is unconscionable to perpetuate fraudulent or biased electoral practices in any nation," he added.

"With reforms unlikely at this late stage of the election, perhaps the only recourse will be to focus maximum public scrutiny on the suspicious process in Florida."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Posted by: trash / 10:30 PM 0 comments
NewsweekOct. 4 issue - Deep in the Pentagon, admirals and generals are updating plans for possible U.S. military action in Syria and Iran. The Defense Department unit responsible for military planning for the two troublesome countries is "busier than ever," an administration official says. Some Bush advisers characterize the work as merely an effort to revise routine plans the Pentagon maintains for all contingencies in light of the Iraq war. More skittish bureaucrats say the updates are accompanied by a revived campaign by administration conservatives and neocons for more hard-line U.S. policies toward the countries. (Syria is regarded as a major route for jihadis entering Iraq, and Iran appears to be actively pursuing nuclear weapons.) Even hard-liners acknowledge that given the U.S. military commitment in Iraq, a U.S. attack on either country would be an unlikely last resort; covert action of some kind is the favored route for Washington hard-liners who want regime change in Damascus and Tehran.

—Mark Hosenball

© 2004 Newsweek, Inc.
Posted by: trash / 10:25 PM 0 comments
Bush Familie

Prescott Bushs Schwiegervater George Herbert Walker, 1875 geboren, war Anfang der 20er Jahre ein gemachter Mann. Für den geschäftlichen Erfolg brachte er außergewöhnliche physische Vorausset- zungen mit. Walker war in seiner Jugend Schwergewichtsboxer – ein meistens siegreicher zudem. Er ging gern auf die Jagd, spielte Golf, trank viel Scotch und verprügelte seine Söhne. Eines seiner Enkel- kinder würde ihn einst als »harten alten Bastard« charakterisieren. Walkers Heimat war am Mississippi, im US-Bundesstaat Missouri. Er besaß aber auch eines der luxuriösesten Appartements in Manhattan und mehrere Häuser an der nördlichen US-Ostküste.

Walker leitete eine Geschäftsbank in New York City namens W.A. Harriman & Company. 1922 reiste deren Eigentümer Averell Harriman, der ältere Bruder von Prescott Bushs Yale-Kumpan, nach Berlin, wo er eine Filiale seiner Bank gründete. Dort traf er Fritz Thyssen, der für Deutschlands ökonomische und politische Zukunft schwarz sah und dringend nach einem Standbein in den USA suchte. In Rotterdam hatten die Thyssens kurz zuvor eine holländische Handelsbank gekauft, und deren Direktor wurde nun nach New York geschickt, um mit Walker, dem Chef für das operative Geschäft, und Harriman zu re- den. Das Ergebnis der Verhandlungen bestand in der Gründung der Union Banking Corporation (UBC), die im selben Gebäude residierte wie die Harriman-Bank: 39 Broadway.

Während der nächsten Jahre verkauften Walker und Harriman deutsche Staatsanleihen im Wert von über 50 Millionen Dollar an US-Investoren. 1926 holte Walker seinen Schwiegersohn Prescott Bush
als Vizepräsident zu UBC, und dieser wiederum stellte mehrere seiner Kommilitonen aus der Yale-Abschlussklasse von 1917 an. Der Fokus der Arbeit Bushs lag auf zwei Stahlwerken in Schlesien. Währenddessen finanzierte Thyssen über seine holländische Bank den Erwerb von Immobilien durch Adolf Hitler. Hitler und Thyssen wurden Freunde.

Eine der beiden schlesischen Stahlfabriken, in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zu Auschwitz gelegen, wurde von Thyssen und Flick an UBC verkauft. Bush, inzwischen Generaldirektor der Bank, überführte das Werk in die Silesian American Corporation. Sechs Tage nach dem Überfall auf Pearl Harbor am
7. Dezember 1941 unterschrieb US-Präsident Roosevelt den »Trading With the Enemy Act«, der Ge- schäftsbeziehungen zu NS-Deutschland unter Strafe stellte. Prescott Bush schaffte es, noch fast ein ganzes Jahr lang das Stahlwerk neben dem KZ Auschwitz weiterzuführen, als sei nichts gewesen – die meisten Beschäftigten waren längst Zwangsarbeiter aus Kriegsgefangenen- und Konzentrationslagern. Im Oktober und November 1942 platzte den US-Behörden schließlich der Kragen. UBC und Silesian American Corporation wurden direkter Regierungskontrolle unterstellt; alle Geschäfte mit Deutschland waren nun nicht mehr nur untersagt, sondern effektiv unterbunden. Erst 1951, nach dem Tod Thyssens, gaben die US-Behörden UBC an Harriman zurück, und alle Eigentümer ließen sich ihren Anteil versil- bern. Prescott Bush erhielt 1,5 Millionen Dollar.

Mit diesem Geld finanzierte er den Start seiner eigenen politischen Karriere und den Aufbau des ersten Unternehmens seines Sohnes George, der Ölfirma Overbey Development Company. Als George Bush 1980 nach seiner Wahl zum Vizepräsidenten das Familienvermögen – inklusive des Erbes seines Va- ters – in Treuhandverwaltung übergab, suchte er sich als Treuhänder seinen Jagdfreund William Farish III. aus, einen der reichsten Männer in Texas. Dessen Großvater wiederum hatte die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Standard Oil und dem deutschen Chemie-Riesen IG Farben geleitet. Der spätere Präsident Harry Truman, damals noch Senator, hatte den älteren Farish in aller Öffentlichkeit als jemanden be- zeichnet, dessen Geschäftsgebaren an »Landesverrat« heranreiche. Im Vergleich zu Farish nahmen sich die Sünden Prescott Bushs jedenfalls gering aus. Jüdische Organisationen in den USA fordern bis heute, die Bush-Familie solle 1,5 Millionen Dollar an einen Entschädigungsfonds oder an Holocaust-Gedenkstätten geben. Denn Prescott Bush habe in Amerika jenes Geld beschafft, das Thyssen dann Hitler zum Aufbau seiner NSDAP-Strukturen übergeben habe. Und während des Krieges seien mit Bushs Hilfe Zwangsarbeiter ausgebeutet und jene Waffen geschmiedet worden, die später alliierte Soldaten töteten.

Robert von Rimscha: Die Bushs - Weltmacht als Familienerbe


Aus der Amazon.de-Redaktion
Die Bushs wurden und werden, und dies ist eine weitere Gemeinsamkeit, gemeinhin unterschätzt. Dies jedenfalls meint Robert von Rimscha, der mit Die Bushs. Weltmacht als Familienerbe nach seinem hoch gelobten Buch Die Kennedys ein weiteres ausgesprochen lesens- und bedenkenswertes Familienporträt vorgelegt hat.

Darin legt der Autor sehr anschaulich dar, weshalb man seiner Meinung nach, wenn man Amerika verstehen will, an der Familie Bush nicht mehr vorbeikommt. Ja, am Ende äußert er sogar die Überzeugung, dass unabhängig davon, ob George W. in seinem Amt bestätigt wird, die Bushs Amerika und damit der Welt erhalten bleiben werden.

Der langjährige Amerika-Korrespondent des Berliner "Tagesspiegel", Robert von Rimscha, legt nach Die Kennedys - Glanz und Tragik eines amerikanischen Traums nun eine weitere Familiengeschichte vor. Es geht um die "schießwütigen Cowboys" (Heide Simonis) aus Texas, die Bushs. Hauptakteure sind der 41. Präsident der USA, George Bush, dessen Sohn George W. Bush, 43. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, und -- nicht zu vergessen -- Barbara Bush, die Frau von Bush senior. Vater und Sohn Bush verbindet, dass eigentlich keiner damit gerechnet hat, dass sie den einflussreichsten Posten in der Weltpolitik bekommen würden.

Rheinischer Merkur, 01.04.2004
"Die Stärke des Autors ist der gut lesbare Stil und die Fähigkeit, komplizierte Sachverhalte klar darzustellen."

Handelsblatt, 02.04.2004
"Argumente statt Polemik - eine lesenswerte Analyse."

Gerade in Europa wird die Familie Bush oft unterschätzt. Schon die Wahl des eigenschaftslosen George Bush sen. verursachte Ratlosigkeit; die Wahl seines scheinbar minderbemittelten Sohnes wurde mit völligem Unverständnis quittiert. Dabei repräsentieren die Bushs ein Amerika, das immer populistischer, konservativer und religiöser wird.
Der USA-Kenner Robert von Rimscha erklärt das Phänomen Bush. Er beleuchtet ihren Aufstieg durch ein dichtes Netz geschäftlicher Verflechtungen und sozialer Elite-Zirkel. Heute sind die Bushs so tief in der politischen Landschaft der USA verwurzelt, dass wir vielleicht die Wahl eines dritten Präsidenten namens Bush erleben werden.

Der Verlag über das Buch
Wer die Bushs versteht, versteht Amerika

Robert von Rimscha blickt hinter die Kulissen der amerikanischen Politik und weckt Verständnis für Zusammenhänge, die aus europäischer Sicht oft nur schwer zu verstehen sind. Er beleuchtet die Zugehörigkeit der Familie Bush zur Geldaristokratie und ihren Aufstieg durch ein dichtes Netz geschäftlicher Verflechtungen und sozialer Elite-Zirkel. Dabei wird deutlich, wie tief die Bushs in der politischen Landschaft der USA verwurzelt sind. Jenseits des populären Bush-Bashings liefert der Autor eine differenzierte Analyse der Macht- und Familienstrukturen der Bushs im Kontext des amerikanischen Selbstverständnisses. Er erläutert die Hintergründe für eine Politik, die viel mit Öldollars, Todesstrafe, Abtreibungsgegnerschaft und dem sturen Verteidigen des Rechts auf Waffenbesitz zu tun hat.

Über den Autor
Robert von Rimscha leitet die Parlamentsredaktion des Tagesspiegel in Berlin. Von 1996 bis 2000 arbeitete er als USA-Korrespondent in Washington. Er ist Autor mehrerer Bücher, darunter Die Kennedys – Glanz und Tragik eines amerikanischen Traums (Campus 2001). Er schreibt Meinungsbeiträge u.a. für die Los Angeles Times und den International Herald Tribune und wurde im Mai 2003 mit dem Arthur-F.-Burns-Preis für Kommentare zum transatlantischen Verhältnis ausgezeichnet.

Auszug aus Die Bushs von Robert von Rimscha. Copyright © 2004. Abdruck erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Posted by: trash / 10:47 AM 0 comments
Link Genoud

Posted by: trash / 10:38 AM 0 comments
put options Genoud
Weltweit ermitteln die Finanzaufsichts-Behörden: Es geht um Geschäfte an den Börsen von New York bis Tokio. Der Verdacht: Die Urheber der Terroranschläge könnten Milliarden verdient haben. Eine der effektivsten Methoden dazu sind sogenannte Leerverkäufe. Das ist der Verkauf von Aktien, die im Besitz des Verkäufers sind, ihm aber nicht gehören. Der Spekulant zahlt eine Leihgebühr für das Aktienpaket auf Zeit. Und verkauft die Papiere. - Kommt es dann tatsächlich zum Kurseinbruch kauft er die Titel zu Dumping-Preisen nach und gibt sie zurück.

Für den Spekulanten ein sehr gutes Geschäft. Er kassiert die Differenz zwischen hohem Verkaufs- und niedrigem Einkaufspreis.

Besonders sicher sind diese Geschäfte, wenn man Insider-Kenntnisse hat oder gar Ereignisse selbst herbeiführen kann, die den Markt nach unten treiben. Genau das werfen die US-Behörden bin Laden vor.

Der Luxemburger Finanz-Experte Ernest Backes beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit Wirtschaftskriminalität im Bankenbereich. Er sagt, es gibt Hinweise auf ungewöhnliche Transaktionen mit denen die Gruppe um bin Laden Geld verdient haben könnte: "Man kann z.B. nachprüfen, ob es in einem bestimmten Zeitabschnitt einen Attacke gegen ein bestimmtes Wertpapier einer bestimmten Fluggesellschaft gegeben hat. Da ja diese Wertpapiere in den Clearingsystemen verwahrt werden , hat man immer weder den Überblick, wer zu welche Zeitpunkt die Besitzer wären."

Die Aufsichtsbehörden haben solche Hinweise, in den USA und in Europa. Auffällig ist vor allem, der plötzliche gigantische Handel mit Optionen auf fallende Kurse bei den Fluggesellschaften American und United.

Explosionsartig nahm bei United Airlines am Donnerstag vor dem Unglück der Umsatz mit sogenannten Put-Optionen zu. 200.000 Stück wurden gehandelt, sonst waren es oft noch nicht einmal 1.000. Und ähnlich ist es bei American Airlines sowie den Versicherungsgesellschaften. Hier könnten Terroristen an den Börsen Milliarden verdient haben.

Die Spur führt nach Angaben von Backes in die Schweiz, zu Konten einer Organisation, die vor Jahren von dem inzwischen verstorbenen Rechtsanwalt Francois Genoud gegründet worden war und offenbar noch immer besteht, sagt Backes: "Einer dieser Berührungspunkte ist, dass der Schweizer Anwalt engste Verbindungen mit der Familie von bin Laden hatte, dass er einer der Berater der Familie, einer ihrer Bankiers war. Gewusst wird, dass er den Terrorismus unterstützte und der Vermögensverwalter des Hitler-Vermögens war und auf der Terrorwelle war."

Die Spuren-Suche bleibt ein schwieriges Geschäft: Welche Verbindungen wirklich bestehen - so sagen Experten - wird sich - wenn überhaupt - nur über die Finanz-Transaktionen ermitteln lassen.

Weitergehende, nicht von uns erstellte, Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter folgenden Links:

Das Börsenlexikon, Begriff "Leerverkauf"

Kurs-Spekulation: Chancen mit Optionsscheinen? Von ARD-Ratgeber Geld&Börse


Bundesaufsichtsamt für den Wertpapierhandel

Committee of European Securities Regulators CESR (Der Ausschuss der Europäischen Wertpapieraufsichts-Behörden)

Securities and Exchange Commission SEC (USA)


Dieser Text gibt den Inhalt des Beitrags der Sendung [plusminus vom 25.09.2001 wieder. Eventuelle spätere Veränderungen des Sachverhaltes sind nicht berücksichtigt

Posted by: trash / 10:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 26, 2004bushtrash

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president

Ben Aris in Berlin and Duncan Campbell in Washington
Saturday September 25, 2004
The Guardian

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty.

Remarkably, little of Bush's dealings with Germany has received public scrutiny, partly because of the secret status of the documentation involving him. But now the multibillion dollar legal action for damages by two Holocaust survivors against the Bush family, and the imminent publication of three books on the subject are threatening to make Prescott Bush's business history an uncomfortable issue for his grandson, George W, as he seeks re-election.

While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen's US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.


Bush was also on the board of at least one of the companies that formed part of a multinational network of front companies to allow Thyssen to move assets around the world.

Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and grew rich from Hitler's efforts to re-arm between the two world wars. One of the pillars in Thyssen's international corporate web, UBC, worked exclusively for, and was owned by, a Thyssen-controlled bank in the Netherlands. More tantalising are Bush's links to the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC), based in mineral rich Silesia on the German-Polish border. During the war, the company made use of Nazi slave labour from the concentration camps, including Auschwitz. The ownership of CSSC changed hands several times in the 1930s, but documents from the US National Archive declassified last year link Bush to CSSC, although it is not clear if he and UBC were still involved in the company when Thyssen's American assets were seized in 1942.

Three sets of archives spell out Prescott Bush's involvement. All three are readily available, thanks to the efficient US archive system and a helpful and dedicated staff at both the Library of Congress in Washington and the National Archives at the University of Maryland.

The first set of files, the Harriman papers in the Library of Congress, show that Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder of a number of companies involved with Thyssen.

The second set of papers, which are in the National Archives, are contained in vesting order number 248 which records the seizure of the company assets. What these files show is that on October 20 1942 the alien property custodian seized the assets of the UBC, of which Prescott Bush was a director. Having gone through the books of the bank, further seizures were made against two affiliates, the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. By November, the Silesian-American Company, another of Prescott Bush's ventures, had also been seized.

The third set of documents, also at the National Archives, are contained in the files on IG Farben, who was prosecuted for war crimes.

A report issued by the Office of Alien Property Custodian in 1942 stated of the companies that "since 1939, these (steel and mining) properties have been in possession of and have been operated by the German government and have undoubtedly been of considerable assistance to that country's war effort".

Prescott Bush, a 6ft 4in charmer with a rich singing voice, was the founder of the Bush political dynasty and was once considered a potential presidential candidate himself. Like his son, George, and grandson, George W, he went to Yale where he was, again like his descendants, a member of the secretive and influential Skull and Bones student society. He was an artillery captain in the first world war and married Dorothy Walker, the daughter of George Herbert Walker, in 1921.

In 1924, his father-in-law, a well-known St Louis investment banker, helped set him up in business in New York with Averill Harriman, the wealthy son of railroad magnate E H Harriman in New York, who had gone into banking.

One of the first jobs Walker gave Bush was to manage UBC. Bush was a founding member of the bank and the incorporation documents, which list him as one of seven directors, show he owned one share in UBC worth $125.

The bank was set up by Harriman and Bush's father-in-law to provide a US bank for the Thyssens, Germany's most powerful industrial family.

August Thyssen, the founder of the dynasty had been a major contributor to Germany's first world war effort and in the 1920s, he and his sons Fritz and Heinrich established a network of overseas banks and companies so their assets and money could be whisked offshore if threatened again.

By the time Fritz Thyssen inherited the business empire in 1926, Germany's economic recovery was faltering. After hearing Adolf Hitler speak, Thyssen became mesmerised by the young firebrand. He joined the Nazi party in December 1931 and admits backing Hitler in his autobiography, I Paid Hitler, when the National Socialists were still a radical fringe party. He stepped in several times to bail out the struggling party: in 1928 Thyssen had bought the Barlow Palace on Briennerstrasse, in Munich, which Hitler converted into the Brown House, the headquarters of the Nazi party. The money came from another Thyssen overseas institution, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvarrt in Rotterdam.

By the late 1930s, Brown Brothers Harriman, which claimed to be the world's largest private investment bank, and UBC had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, fuel, steel, coal and US treasury bonds to Germany, both feeding and financing Hitler's build-up to war.

Between 1931 and 1933 UBC bought more than $8m worth of gold, of which $3m was shipped abroad. According to documents seen by the Guardian, after UBC was set up it transferred $2m to BBH accounts and between 1924 and 1940 the assets of UBC hovered around $3m, dropping to $1m only on a few occasions.

In 1941, Thyssen fled Germany after falling out with Hitler but he was captured in France and detained for the remainder of the war.

There was nothing illegal in doing business with the Thyssens throughout the 1930s and many of America's best-known business names invested heavily in the German economic recovery. However, everything changed after Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Even then it could be argued that BBH was within its rights continuing business relations with the Thyssens until the end of 1941 as the US was still technically neutral until the attack on Pearl Harbor. The trouble started on July 30 1942 when the New York Herald-Tribune ran an article entitled "Hitler's Angel Has $3m in US Bank". UBC's huge gold purchases had raised suspicions that the bank was in fact a "secret nest egg" hidden in New York for Thyssen and other Nazi bigwigs. The Alien Property Commission (APC) launched an investigation.

There is no dispute over the fact that the US government seized a string of assets controlled by BBH - including UBC and SAC - in the autumn of 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy act. What is in dispute is if Harriman, Walker and Bush did more than own these companies on paper.

Erwin May, a treasury attache and officer for the department of investigation in the APC, was assigned to look into UBC's business. The first fact to emerge was that Roland Harriman, Prescott Bush and the other directors didn't actually own their shares in UBC but merely held them on behalf of Bank voor Handel. Strangely, no one seemed to know who owned the Rotterdam-based bank, including UBC's president.

May wrote in his report of August 16 1941: "Union Banking Corporation, incorporated August 4 1924, is wholly owned by the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. My investigation has produced no evidence as to the ownership of the Dutch bank. Mr Cornelis [sic] Lievense, president of UBC, claims no knowledge as to the ownership of the Bank voor Handel but believes it possible that Baron Heinrich Thyssen, brother of Fritz Thyssen, may own a substantial interest."

May cleared the bank of holding a golden nest egg for the Nazi leaders but went on to describe a network of companies spreading out from UBC across Europe, America and Canada, and how money from voor Handel travelled to these companies through UBC.

By September May had traced the origins of the non-American board members and found that Dutchman HJ Kouwenhoven - who met with Harriman in 1924 to set up UBC - had several other jobs: in addition to being the managing director of voor Handel he was also the director of the August Thyssen bank in Berlin and a director of Fritz Thyssen's Union Steel Works, the holding company that controlled Thyssen's steel and coal mine empire in Germany.

Within a few weeks, Homer Jones, the chief of the APC investigation and research division sent a memo to the executive committee of APC recommending the US government vest UBC and its assets. Jones named the directors of the bank in the memo, including Prescott Bush's name, and wrote: "Said stock is held by the above named individuals, however, solely as nominees for the Bank voor Handel, Rotterdam, Holland, which is owned by one or more of the Thyssen family, nationals of Germany and Hungary. The 4,000 shares hereinbefore set out are therefore beneficially owned and help for the interests of enemy nationals, and are vestible by the APC," according to the memo from the National Archives seen by the Guardian.


Jones recommended that the assets be liquidated for the benefit of the government, but instead UBC was maintained intact and eventually returned to the American shareholders after the war. Some claim that Bush sold his share in UBC after the war for $1.5m - a huge amount of money at the time - but there is no documentary evidence to support this claim. No further action was ever taken nor was the investigation continued, despite the fact UBC was caught red-handed operating a American shell company for the Thyssen family eight months after America had entered the war and that this was the bank that had partly financed Hitler's rise to power.

The most tantalising part of the story remains shrouded in mystery: the connection, if any, between Prescott Bush, Thyssen, Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC) and Auschwitz.

Thyssen's partner in United Steel Works, which had coal mines and steel plants across the region, was Friedrich Flick, another steel magnate who also owned part of IG Farben, the powerful German chemical company.

Flick's plants in Poland made heavy use of slave labour from the concentration camps in Poland. According to a New York Times article published in March 18 1934 Flick owned two-thirds of CSSC while "American interests" held the rest.

The US National Archive documents show that BBH's involvement with CSSC was more than simply holding the shares in the mid-1930s. Bush's friend and fellow "bonesman" Knight Woolley, another partner at BBH, wrote to Averill Harriman in January 1933 warning of problems with CSSC after the Poles started their drive to nationalise the plant. "The Consolidated Silesian Steel Company situation has become increasingly complicated, and I have accordingly brought in Sullivan and Cromwell, in order to be sure that our interests are protected," wrote Knight. "After studying the situation Foster Dulles is insisting that their man in Berlin get into the picture and obtain the information which the directors here should have. You will recall that Foster is a director and he is particularly anxious to be certain that there is no liability attaching to the American directors."

But the ownership of the CSSC between 1939 when the Germans invaded Poland and 1942 when the US government vested UBC and SAC is not clear.

"SAC held coal mines and definitely owned CSSC between 1934 and 1935, but when SAC was vested there was no trace of CSSC. All concrete evidence of its ownership disappears after 1935 and there are only a few traces in 1938 and 1939," says Eva Schweitzer, the journalist and author whose book, America and the Holocaust, is published next month.

Silesia was quickly made part of the German Reich after the invasion, but while Polish factories were seized by the Nazis, those belonging to the still neutral Americans (and some other nationals) were treated more carefully as Hitler was still hoping to persuade the US to at least sit out the war as a neutral country. Schweitzer says American interests were dealt with on a case-by-case basis. The Nazis bought some out, but not others.

The two Holocaust survivors suing the US government and the Bush family for a total of $40bn in compensation claim both materially benefited from Auschwitz slave labour during the second world war.

Kurt Julius Goldstein, 87, and Peter Gingold, 85, began a class action in America in 2001, but the case was thrown out by Judge Rosemary Collier on the grounds that the government cannot be held liable under the principle of "state sovereignty".

Jan Lissmann, one of the lawyers for the survivors, said: "President Bush withdrew President Bill Clinton's signature from the treaty [that founded the court] not only to protect Americans, but also to protect himself and his family."

Lissmann argues that genocide-related cases are covered by international law, which does hold governments accountable for their actions. He claims the ruling was invalid as no hearing took place.

In their claims, Mr Goldstein and Mr Gingold, honorary chairman of the League of Anti-fascists, suggest the Americans were aware of what was happening at Auschwitz and should have bombed the camp.

The lawyers also filed a motion in The Hague asking for an opinion on whether state sovereignty is a valid reason for refusing to hear their case. A ruling is expected within a month.

The petition to The Hague states: "From April 1944 on, the American Air Force could have destroyed the camp with air raids, as well as the railway bridges and railway lines from Hungary to Auschwitz. The murder of about 400,000 Hungarian Holocaust victims could have been prevented."

The case is built around a January 22 1944 executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt calling on the government to take all measures to rescue the European Jews. The lawyers claim the order was ignored because of pressure brought by a group of big American companies, including BBH, where Prescott Bush was a director.

Lissmann said: "If we have a positive ruling from the court it will cause [president] Bush huge problems and make him personally liable to pay compensation."

The US government and the Bush family deny all the claims against them.

In addition to Eva Schweitzer's book, two other books are about to be published that raise the subject of Prescott Bush's business history. The author of the second book, to be published next year, John Loftus, is a former US attorney who prosecuted Nazi war criminals in the 70s. Now living in St Petersburg, Florida and earning his living as a security commentator for Fox News and ABC radio, Loftus is working on a novel which uses some of the material he has uncovered on Bush. Loftus stressed that what Prescott Bush was involved in was just what many other American and British businessmen were doing at the time.

"You can't blame Bush for what his grandfather did any more than you can blame Jack Kennedy for what his father did - bought Nazi stocks - but what is important is the cover-up, how it could have gone on so successfully for half a century, and does that have implications for us today?" he said.

"This was the mechanism by which Hitler was funded to come to power, this was the mechanism by which the Third Reich's defence industry was re-armed, this was the mechanism by which Nazi profits were repatriated back to the American owners, this was the mechanism by which investigations into the financial laundering of the Third Reich were blunted," said Loftus, who is vice-chairman of the Holocaust Museum in St Petersburg.

"The Union Banking Corporation was a holding company for the Nazis, for Fritz Thyssen," said Loftus. "At various times, the Bush family has tried to spin it, saying they were owned by a Dutch bank and it wasn't until the Nazis took over Holland that they realised that now the Nazis controlled the apparent company and that is why the Bush supporters claim when the war was over they got their money back. Both the American treasury investigations and the intelligence investigations in Europe completely bely that, it's absolute horseshit. They always knew who the ultimate beneficiaries were."

"There is no one left alive who could be prosecuted but they did get away with it," said Loftus. "As a former federal prosecutor, I would make a case for Prescott Bush, his father-in-law (George Walker) and Averill Harriman [to be prosecuted] for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They remained on the boards of these companies knowing that they were of financial benefit to the nation of Germany."

Loftus said Prescott Bush must have been aware of what was happening in Germany at the time. "My take on him was that he was a not terribly successful in-law who did what Herbert Walker told him to. Walker and Harriman were the two evil geniuses, they didn't care about the Nazis any more than they cared about their investments with the Bolsheviks."

What is also at issue is how much money Bush made from his involvement. His supporters suggest that he had one token share. Loftus disputes this, citing sources in "the banking and intelligence communities" and suggesting that the Bush family, through George Herbert Walker and Prescott, got $1.5m out of the involvement. There is, however, no paper trail to this sum.

The third person going into print on the subject is John Buchanan, 54, a Miami-based magazine journalist who started examining the files while working on a screenplay. Last year, Buchanan published his findings in the venerable but small-circulation New Hampshire Gazette under the headline "Documents in National Archives Prove George Bush's Grandfather Traded With the Nazis - Even After Pearl Harbor". He expands on this in his book to be published next month - Fixing America: Breaking the Stranglehold of Corporate Rule, Big Media and the Religious Right.

In the article, Buchanan, who has worked mainly in the trade and music press with a spell as a muckraking reporter in Miami, claimed that "the essential facts have appeared on the internet and in relatively obscure books but were dismissed by the media and Bush family as undocumented diatribes".

Buchanan suffers from hypermania, a form of manic depression, and when he found himself rebuffed in his initial efforts to interest the media, he responded with a series of threats against the journalists and media outlets that had spurned him. The threats, contained in e-mails, suggested that he would expose the journalists as "traitors to the truth".

Unsurprisingly, he soon had difficulty getting his calls returned. Most seriously, he faced aggravated stalking charges in Miami, in connection with a man with whom he had fallen out over the best way to publicise his findings. The charges were dropped last month.


Buchanan said he regretted his behaviour had damaged his credibility but his main aim was to secure publicity for the story. Both Loftus and Schweitzer say Buchanan has come up with previously undisclosed documentation.

The Bush family have largely responded with no comment to any reference to Prescott Bush. Brown Brothers Harriman also declined to comment.

The Bush family recently approved a flattering biography of Prescott Bush entitled Duty, Honour, Country by Mickey Herskowitz. The publishers, Rutledge Hill Press, promised the book would "deal honestly with Prescott Bush's alleged business relationships with Nazi industrialists and other accusations".

In fact, the allegations are dealt with in less than two pages. The book refers to the Herald-Tribune story by saying that "a person of less established ethics would have panicked ... Bush and his partners at Brown Brothers Harriman informed the government regulators that the account, opened in the late 1930s, was 'an unpaid courtesy for a client' ... Prescott Bush acted quickly and openly on behalf of the firm, served well by a reputation that had never been compromised. He made available all records and all documents. Viewed six decades later in the era of serial corporate scandals and shattered careers, he received what can be viewed as the ultimate clean bill."

The Prescott Bush story has been condemned by both conservatives and some liberals as having nothing to do with the current president. It has also been suggested that Prescott Bush had little to do with Averill Harriman and that the two men opposed each other politically.

However, documents from the Harriman papers include a flattering wartime profile of Harriman in the New York Journal American and next to it in the files is a letter to the financial editor of that paper from Prescott Bush congratulating the paper for running the profile. He added that Harriman's "performance and his whole attitude has been a source of inspiration and pride to his partners and his friends".

The Anti-Defamation League in the US is supportive of Prescott Bush and the Bush family. In a statement last year they said that "rumours about the alleged Nazi 'ties' of the late Prescott Bush ... have circulated widely through the internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated ... Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathiser."

However, one of the country's oldest Jewish publications, the Jewish Advocate, has aired the controversy in detail.

More than 60 years after Prescott Bush came briefly under scrutiny at the time of a faraway war, his grandson is facing a different kind of scrutiny but one underpinned by the same perception that, for some people, war can be a profitable business.

Life of Prescott Bush

Saturday September 25, 2004
The Guardian

• 1895 Born, son of Samuel and Flora Bush. Raised in Columbus, Ohio
• 1917 Graduated as a BA from Yale

• 1917-19 Artillery captain in US army. Served in first world war

• 1921 Married Dorothy Walker, daughter of wealthy industrialist, George Herbert Walker. They have five children, including GHW Bush, later to become US president (1988-1992)

• 1924 Joins Harriman Brothers in New York through introduction from father-in-law

• 1930 Partner in Brown Brothers Harriman

• 1942 Assets of companies of which he is director seized under Trading with the Enemy Act

• 1950 Now living in Greenwich, Connecticut, he runs unsuccessfully for Republican party to represent Connecticut in US Senate. Describes himself as "moderate progressive"

• 1952 Runs again in mid-term election and wins. "He looked more like a senator than any senator I've ever met," William Hildenbrand, former secretary to Senate said, according to Kitty Kelley's new Bush family biography, The Family. Takes stand against McCarthyism

• 1956 Re-elected to senate

• 1963 Retires from politics on health grounds

• 1972 Dies

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